Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:
As we have successfully navigated the first few weeks of the Fall 2021 semester, I am reaching out to share my sincere appreciation and everlasting gratitude for the many ways in which Monarchs have been active in our individual and collective efforts to promote a healthy campus community. With high vaccination rates for students at 89 percent and employees at 84 percent, Monarchs have stepped forward to take the necessary steps to combat the continued pandemic.
And, with the indoor masking requirement for all regardless of vaccination status, we are being proactive in our daily efforts. We understand that, at times, Monarchs may forget or misplace their face coverings. As a result, we have identified a number of mask locations across campus, including all academic buildings and many program and service spaces. For a full listing of all building and room locations, please visit Additionally, mask dispensers will be added in each building in the coming weeks. Please remember to wear your mask indoors and ensure it covers both your nose and mouth!
Please continue to do your part in maintaining a healthy campus community as we navigate the fall semester and complete the calendar year. I know that we will continue to be Monarch Strong!
With Monarch Pride,
Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.