Associate Vice President for Administration
Student Enrollment, Engagement & Services
Scott Harrison
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Urban Services - Higher Education Administration, Old Dominion University, (1999)
M.S. in Psychology, Old Dominion University, (1988)
B.S. in Psychology and Business Administration, Salisbury University, (1983)
- Hacker, D. S., Haywood, J. E., Maduro, R. S., Mason, T. B., Derlega, V. J., Harrison, S. B.. and Socha, T. J. (2016). Reactions of African American Students to the George Zimmerman Trial: Co-Rumination and Thought Intrusions as Mediators. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
- Pearson, M. R., Derlega, V. J., Henson, J. M., Holmes, K. Y., Ferrer, R. A. and Harrison, S. B.. (2014). Role of Neuroticism and Coping Strategies in Psychological Reactions to a Racist Incident Among African American University Students. Journal of Black Psychology 40 (1) , pp. 81-111.
- Warner, S., Shapiro, S., Dixon, M., Ridinger, L. L. and Harrison, S. B.. (2011). The football factor: Creating a sense of community on campus.. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics 4 , pp. 236-256.
- Whitaus, C., Harrison, S. B.. and Midyette, J. (2008). Keyboarding compared with handwriting on a high-stakes writing assessment: Student choice of composing medium, raters’ perceptions, and text quality. . Assessing Writing 13 (1) , pp. 4-25.