Tim Hackman
NORFOLK, 23529
Timothy Hackman (he/him) joined the Old Dominion University Libraries as Dean of Libraries in July 2022. Previously he was Associate Director for Public Services at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), part of the University System of Maryland, from March 2019 to July 2022. He spent 17 years at the University of Maryland in various roles, including Director of User Services & Resource Sharing (2012-2019), Liaison Librarian for English & Linguistics (2006-2012), and Librarian for the Paul Wasserman Library of the College of Information Studies (2002-2006). He earned his MA in English Language & Literature (2006) and Master of Library Science (2002) at the University of Maryland, and a BA in English from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania (1999). He has published and presented on leadership and change management, project management, perceptions and use of e-books, open access, and faculty outreach. In his spare time, he enjoys reading crime fiction and comics, cooking, woodworking, spending time with his wife, Jackie, and dog, Otto, and writing and podcasting about professional wrestling. His professional blog can be found at http://timhackman.wordpress.com/.
M.A. in English Language and Literature, University of Maryland, (2006)
M.L.S. in Library Science, University of Maryland, (2002)
B.A. in English (History Minor), Shippensburg University, (1999)
Research Interests
Academic library leadership and management; change management; e-books use opinions among university students and faculty
- (2022). E-book Perceptions and Use in 2019: A Longitudinal Follow-up Study.
- Hackman, T., Carroll, A. J.., Corlett-Rivera, K., Macomber, K. and Ding, Y. (2022). E-Book Perceptions and Use: A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study. portal: Libraries and the Academy 22 (3) , pp. 681-723.
- (2017). Leading Change in Action: Reorganizing an Academic Library Department using Kotter’s Eight Stage Change Model.
- Hackman, T. (2017). Leading Change in Action: Reorganizing an Academic Library Department Using Kotter’s Eight Stage Change Model. Library Leadership & Management 31 (2).
- (2016). E-Book Perceptions and Use in STEM and Non-STEM Disciplines: A Comparative Follow-Up Study.
- Carroll, A. J.., Corlett-Rivera, K., Hackman, T. and Zou, J. (2016). E-Book Perceptions and Use in STEM and Non-STEM Disciplines: A Comparative Follow-Up Study. portal: Libraries and the Academy 16 (1) , pp. 131-162.
- (2014). E-Book Use and Attitudes in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education.
- Corlett-Rivera, K. and Hackman, T. (2014). E-Book Use and Attitudes in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education. portal: Libraries and the Academy 14 (2) , pp. 255-286.
- (2010). A Blues Song Just for Fighters: The Legend of Sonny Liston.
Book Chapters
- (2018). Accidental Project Management in a New Library Storage Facility.
Conference Proceeding
- (2013). Teaching and Researching Early Modern Women in the Digital Age.
- (2009). Speaking of Books… Connecting with Faculty Through a Campus Author Series.
- 2014: Outstanding Librarian Award, University of Maryland Libraries
- 2013: Special Recognition Award, University of Maryland Libraries
- 2008: Advocate for Equity, Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Equity, University of Maryland
- 2007: John W. King Staff Award for Disability Achievement, President’s Commission on Disability Issues, University of Maryland
- 2007: Special Projects Award, University of Maryland Libraries
- 2006: Special Projects Award, University of Maryland Libraries