Research Professor, Vmasc Cto,& Interim Exec Dir (Visa
Virginia Modeling, Analysis & Simulation Center
Yiannis Papelis
SUFFOLK, 23435
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, (1993)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Katsioloudis, P., Reed, P. A., Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E. and Russell Riggs, S. E. "Visualization of Port Logistics: VisPort© Phase II: Evaluation and Dissemination" $21,888. -
- Papelis, Y. E. "Optimized Unmanned Surface Vehicle Instrument" $50,454. Commercial. October 1, 2017 - February 28, 2019
- Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E. and Adcock, A. B. "Leading-Edge, Media-Rich, Online Modeling, Simulations & Games" $118,317. State. January 30, 2010 - December 31, 2011
- Hester, P. P., Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E. and Lynch, S. Gear. "Centrality of Teacher Child Interaction in Child Learning and Achievement" $1,514,263. Federal. -
- Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E., Kady, R., Madhavan, P. and Ringleb, S. I. "Human Effects Modeling Analysis Program (HE-MAP) Study" $367,563. Federal. March 2009 - December 2009
- Papelis, Y. E., Shen, Y., Cetin, M. and Watson, G. S. "Phase II Technical Evaluation of Synthetic Texture Generation Algorithms" $225,000. Private. 2008 - 2009
- Katsioloudis, P., Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E. and Reed, P. A. "Visualization in Port Logistics, VisPort" $100,000. Old Dominion University. October 5, 2009 -
- Watson, G. S. and Papelis, Y. E. "Automated Texture Synthesis from Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery. Phase II" $225,000. Federal. August 1, 2008 - July 31, 2009
- Watson, G. S., Papelis, Y. E. and Diaz, R. "Virginia Synthetic Preparedness Environment (ViSPRE)" $3,636,080. State. -
- Watson, G. S. and Papelis, Y. E. "Automated Texture Synthesis from Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery, Phase I" $30,000. Federal. August 1, 2007 - July 31, 2008
- McNamara, P., Moore, K. H., Papelis, Y. E., Diallo, S. Y. and Wildman, W. J. (2018). Virtual reality-enabled treatment of nightmares. Dreaming 28 (3) , pp. 205-224.
- Watson, G. S., Katsioloudis, P. and Papelis, Y. E. Simulation architecture to promote information modeling, planning, scheduling and decision-making for port logistics within a game environment. International Journal of Agile Manufacturing.
- Papelis, Y. E. (2010). Effectiveness of Electronic Stability Control Systems in Reducing Loss of Control. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention 42 , pp. 929-934.
- Papelis, Y. E. (2008). A Practical Approach to Robotic Design for the DARPA Urban Challenge. Journal of Field Robotics 28 (8) , pp. 528-566.
- Papelis, Y. E. (2006). Design of Simulator Scenarios to Study the Effectiveness of Electronic Stability Control Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1980 , pp. 79-86.
- Papelis, Y. E. (2005). Real-Time Dynamic Simulation of Vehicles with Electronic Stability Control: Modeling and Validation. International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modeling and Testing 1 (1, 2, 3) , pp. 143-167.
- Papelis, Y. E. (1996). Driving Simulation: Challenges for VR Technology. VR Blackboard Column, IEEE Computer Graphics 16 (5) , pp. 16-20.
- Papelis, Y. E. (1995). HCSM: A framework for behavior and scenario control in virtual environments. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 5 (3) , pp. 242-267.
Conference Proceeding
- Madhavan, P., Papelis, Y. E., Kady, R. and Moya, L. (2009). An agent-based model of crowd cognition. Proceedings of the 18th Behavior Representation in Modeling & Simulation Conference (pp. 139-140) Proceedings of the 18th Behavior Representation in Modeling & Simulation Confer.
- Katsioloudis, P., Watson, G. S. and Papelis, Y. E. (June 30, 2010). VisPort Project Capitol Hill Modeling and Simulation Exhibition Washington, D.C.