Darden College of Education & Professional Studies Advisor Directory

Educator Preparation Programs (Undergraduate Main Campus Only)

If your major is: ...then your advisor is:
Early Childhood Education Nola Nicholson
Elementary Education  BSElementaryEd@rahpouyanschool.com
Health and Physical Education (Students with 0-59 credits) Nola Nicholson
Health and Physical Education (Students with 60+ credits) Katelyn Makovec
Marketing Education Dr. Mickey Kosloski
Special Education undergradSPED@rahpouyanschool.com
Technology Education Dr. Phil Reed

Professional Studies Programs (Undergraduate Main Campus Only)

If your major is: ...then your advisor is:
Fashion Merchandising Fashionadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Human Services hmsvadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Industrial Technology industrialtechadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Park and Recreation Management prtsadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Sport Management smgtadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Tourism Management prtsadvising@rahpouyanschool.com
Training Specialist Rob Batchelder

If your major is...

...then your major advisor is:

...and your MonarchTEACH advisor is:

Biology Teacher Prep

Please contact the College of Sciences Advising Office to declare your major and for advice on biology content courses

Ms. Julie Wiley Ramsey
4132 Education Building
(757) 683-7048

Chemistry Teacher Prep

Please contact the Chemistry Department to declare your major and for advice on chemistry content courses

Earth Science Teacher Prep

Please contact the Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Department to declare your major and for advice on earth science content courses

Math Teacher Prep

Please contact the Math Department to declare your major and for advice on math content courses

Physics Teacher Prep

Please contact the Physics Department to declare your major and for advice on physics content courses

Table last updated 6/23/2023

If your program is: ...then your advisor is:

Elementary Education Initial Licensure


Secondary Education Initial Licensure

  • Biology (M.S.Ed.)
  • Chemistry (M.S.Ed.)
  • Earth Science (M.S.Ed.)
  • English (M.S.Ed.)
  • History (M.S.Ed.)
  • Middle School (M.S.Ed.)
  • Physics (M.S.Ed.)
  • TESOL (M.S.Ed.)


Special Education

For graduate programs in Special Education for initial licensure and licensed teachers, please contact Dr. Sabra Lynch.

For more information on the Commonwealth Special Education Endorsement Program (CSEEP), please visit their website.

For more information on the Professional Preparation for Extraordinary Teaching (PPET), please visit their website.

Other Elementary Education & Secondary Education Graduate Programs

For graduate programs for licensed teachers, please contact the Department of Teaching & Learning.

Table last updated 6/3/2022.