Training & Organization Development Team

Team Responsibilities

Our team offers a variety of professional development courses to enhance core workplace skills and promote connection and collaboration with peers. Our mission is to create relevant learning opportunities, inspire self-directed professional growth, and promote optimum management of self and others.


APTD Certified

Our trainers are certified Associate Professionals in Talent Development (APTD) by the ATD Certification Institute.

Training Consultant Talent Management and Culture
Training Consultant Talent Management and Culture

PAPERS is a system used for Position Actions, Position Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, and Recruitments.

LeoOnline contains your official record, including personal information, grades, transcripts, employee payroll information and more.

MyODU is a personal gateway that pulls together the top ODU online resources, providing easy and centralized access to official info & services.

Administrative & Office Professionals Development Forum

Development opportunities for administrative professionals at ODU

Organization Development

Strengthen Your Dominion with customized training for your team or department

Telework in Your Dominion

ODU teleworking information and resources

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's about HR Training & Development courses

Other University Trainings

Non-HR ODU Trainings such as Financial, Procurement, Safety, etc.

O'Reilly for Higher Education

Interactive learning, books, videos and more.

Training & Organization Development