Wing and Probe Assembly in High-Speed Section

Supersonic wind tunnel

Laser Sheet Wingtip Vortex Flow Visualization (MAE 406 class lab)

Check Standard Model Testing

Dynamic Quadrotor Test

Setting Up Tilt-Rotor Test in High-Speed Test Section
Wing and Probe Assembly in High-Speed Section
Supersonic wind tunnel
Laser Sheet Wingtip Vortex Flow Visualization (MAE 406 class lab)
Check Standard Model Testing
Dynamic Quadrotor Test
Setting Up Tilt-Rotor Test in High-Speed Test Section
The Wind Tunnel Laboratory houses three different wind tunnels. The most commonly used one being the Closed-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel. There is also an Open-Circuit Low-Speed Tunnel with 6" Test Section. Finally, the laboratory houses a Supersonic Wind Tunnel. This page concentrates on the Closed-Circuit Low-Speed Wind Tunnel.
(Supplied by AeroLab LLC, Laural, MD c. 1971)
Used for undergraduate and graduate instruction and research in;
Aerodynamic, aeronautical, automotive, and architectural fields
Measurement techniques
125 H.P. motor (variable frequency AC Drive)
Computer Control and Data Acquisition
3 by 4 feet, 8 feet long, 55 m/s (123 mph)
Turntable and pitch mechanism (2DOF)
7 by 8 feet, 7 feet long, 12 m/s (26 mph)
Computer-controlled 3-axis traverse
Dynamic stability characteristics of quadrotor (E. Baris)
Aerodynamic characterization of low-fineness ratio cylinders (F. Miller)
Design of experiments enhanced statistical process control for wind tunnel check standard testing (B. Phillips)
Wind tunnel test techniques for low-reynolds number propeller performance enhancement (D. Burnette, E. Konuk, E. Baris)
Ship airwake/rotor interaction study (S. Doane, Y. Nacakli, B. Gonzalez)
Road vehicle ground wake study (J. Chen)
Transport aircraft wake study (B. Sahin, H. Yavas)
MagLev Vehicle aerodynamics (M. Wells, B.Renaud)
UAV propeller testing for AeroVironment (E. Baris, B. Duvall)
Class support for MAE 712, MAE 406, MAE 417 classes
Pressure System:
80-channel high-speed pressure scanners.
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
Evaluates velocity of microscopic smoke particles in a plane illuminated by a pulsed laser light sheet
2-3 velocity components, 1-875-3.5 fps
Hot Wire Anemometer (HWA)
Infers velocity from cooling of very fine heated wires placed in flow
1-,2-, 3-components, frequency response >50khz
Force measurement systems
- Measures 6-component aerodynamic forces and moments
Motion Platform
- Stewart platform provides dynamic motion for models
UAS test stand
- Supports quadcopters and small fixed wing UAV’s
- 6-component force measurement
- Motor speed control and RPM measurements
UAV Propeller Test Stand
- Measures propeller 6-component forces and moments
- Measures propeller RPM
- Variable incidence angle for tilt-rotor applications
Interested in using the Wind Tunnels Laboratory? Contact Dr. Colin Britcher or Dr. Drew Landman for additional information.