ODU Recreation and Wellness is currently accepting nominations for the SEES Well-Being Award. Any ODU student can nominate themselves or a friend on Monarch groups by March 9. Winner will receive a NINJA Creami!
Here are the details:
The Well-Being Award celebrates one ODU student who actively engages with Recreation and Wellness programs, services, or facilities to enhance their personal well-being. This award honors a student who embraces healthy lifestyle practices and demonstrates the ability to inspire others in their well-being journey.
  • Participates in ODU Recreation and wellness programs, services, or facilities.
  • Demonstrates the ability to overcome challenges and adapt to new situations with a positive outlook.
  • Maintains a healthy balance of academic, social, and personal life, prioritizing  self-care routines like exercise, sleep, and mindfulness.
  • Serves as an inspiration to peers by embodying values of well- being and encouraging others to prioritize their health and happiness.
  • Consistently demonstrates kindeness, compassion, and genuine care in interactions with others.
  • Actively advocates for policies or practices that promote well-being and educates peers on its importance.
  • Has a minimum GPA of 2.5.
The winner will be recognized at the SEES Leadership Awards Ceremony on April 24.