Over the last year or so, the university has undertaken a giant effort to refresh its Web presence through improved design, structure, user experience and maintainability. A large part of that effort involves migrating 135,000 pages from one content management system to another, a project being tackled by our Web & Mobile Solutions Group in conjunction with University Communications. The entire site should be completely migrated by this summer, but the ITS pages were launched at the end of last semester. Here’s a brief tour of our new pages:
Find all of the technology resources we offer on our home page, rahpouyanschool.com/its. Whether you’re a student, faculty, staff, or researcher, we’ve carefully curated the resources you need on pages prominently featured on our home page:
- Technology Resources for Students
- Technology Resources for Faculty & Staff
- Technology Resources for Researchers
- Instructional Tools
In the sidebar, find links to:
- the ITS Help Desk, available around the clock by phone or email to answer questions and solve issues;
- a page About ITS, with links to our staff directory, strategy and advisory committees;
- and a very useful Software & Services page, where we have all software and services listed in alphabetical order.
Our goal has been to make our pages a little easier to navigate with clear and concise information that you can find and use exactly when you need it!