Shared email accounts are accessible by a group of people who share responsibility for a project, course or management task. These accounts may be requested and managed only by faculty or staff members.
Although the account is "shared," each approved user logs in to the account using their personal MIDAS ID and password. All outgoing email from a shared email account shows the shared account name as the "sender."
New Shared Email Accounts
Only ODU faculty and staff can request a shared email account. If you are a student who needs a shared email account for a student organization, your faculty sponsor can request and accept ownership of a shared account on your behalf.
Existing Shared Accounts
Request Access
Mailbox owners can add individuals to a shared account by editing the shared group in MIDAS. The shared email group is usually found under “SERV Service groups” with a name that starts with “EXCHANGE” followed by the name of the shared mailbox.
When requesting access to an existing shared account using the links on this page, please attach approval from the mailbox owner. If you are not sure who the mailbox owner is, please contact the IT Help Desk.
Shared Email Setup in Outlook
Once you have been granted access to a shared email account, you will need to configure Outlook on your computer to send and receive emails for that account.
- PDF: How to access a shared email account in New Outlook (Windows)
- PDF: How to access a shared email account in Outlook (Windows)
- Video: Add a shared mailbox to Outlook (Windows)
- PDF: How to access a shared email account in Outlook (Mac)
Shared Email Access through Outlook Web App
Shared mailboxes on Office 365 servers:
You can access shared email accounts that HAVE been migrated to Office 365 at
How to access a shared email account in Outlook Webmail
Shared mailboxes on Exchange 2016:
If your mailbox has been migrated to Office 365, and you need access to a shared mailbox that still lives on Exchange 2016 (this is uncommon), you'll only be able to get to the shared mailbox through Outlook Web Access. To do this, go to (using the actual email address of the shared account instead of xxxx) and log in with your MIDAS ID and password.