Current version available for download: TurningPoint 8.9.5, as of December 7, 2021.
TurningPoint Technologies Student Response System combines interaction and assessment to enhance the classroom experience. Using RF transmitters (also called clickers), all students can answer questions with a simple click of a button. Results are instantly charted and displayed for real-time student feedback and lesson refinement-allowing you to make the most of your class time.
Using TurningPoint with Canvas
TurningPoint integrates with Canvas, making it easy to get instant class feedback and real-time assessments.
- Adding TurningPoint to Courses in Canvas (Faculty)
Information for Faculty
Download the software if you want to use it on your laptop or install it on your home computer. The non-install version will run from a flash drive. All classroom computers have the software pre-installed.
Please e-mail or contact the ITS Help Desk to schedule a demonstration of the product.
Please provide ITS the following information if you would like to use Turning Point Technologies:
- Faculty name
- Course information (meeting time/date and location)
- Number of students enrolled
Information for Students
Students can purchase a subscription to TurningPoint online or from the University Bookstore. If you purchase a clicker, it now comes with a subscription. If you have an older clicker, you will need to purchase the subscription separately.
Learn more about registering TurningPoint through Canvas.
Related Information
TurningPoint provides additional help within the application.