Executive Committee Officers
Position | Name | College | Campus Location | Phone Number | Email Address |
Chair | Michael Carhart | College of Arts & Letters | Batten Arts & Letters | 757-683-3950 | mcarhart@rahpouyanschool.com |
Vice-Chair | Corrin Gillis | Darden College of Education & Professional Studies |
Education Bldg. | 757-683-5084 | cgillis@rahpouyanschool.com |
Secretary | Tatyana Lobova | College of Sciences | Mills Godwin Bldg. | 757-683-4202 | tlobova@rahpouyanschool.com |
Name | College | Campus Location | Phone Number | Email Address |
Dennis Gregory | Darden College of Education | Education Bldg. | 757-683-3702 | dgregory@rahpouyanschool.com |
Wie Yusuf | Strome College of Business | Constant Hall | 757-683-4437 | jyusuf@rahpouyanschool.com |
David Burdige | College of Sciences | Oceanography and Physics Bldg. | 757-683-4930 | dburdige@rahpouyanschool.com |
Lee Land | College of Arts & Letters | Batten Arts & Letters | 757-683-6083 | lcland@rahpouyanschool.com |
Lucy Wittkower | University Libraries | Library | 757-683-5909 | lrush@rahpouyanschool.com |
Ali Hosseini | School of Health Professions | Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences | 757-446-5634 | hosseia@rahpouyanschool.com |
Faculty Grievance Committee
- Oktay Baysal, Chair, obaysal@rahpouyanschool.com
- Jonna Bobzien, jbobzien@rahpouyanschool.com
- David Burdige, dburdige@rahpouyanschool.com
- Richard Zimmerman (Interim), rzimmerm@rahpouyanschool.com
- Krista Harrell, kharrell@rahpouyanschool.com
- Shanda Jenkins, sjenkins@rahpouyanschool.com
Board of Visitors Committee Members
- Administration and Finance (2023-25) - Wie Yusuf, jyusuf@rahpouyanschool.com
- University Advancement (2022-24) - Corrin Gillis, cgillis@rahpouyanschool.com
- Student Enhancement and Engagement (2022-24) - Dennis Gregory, dgregory@rahpouyanschool.com
- University Athletics (2022-24) - Tatyana Lobova, tlobova@rahpouyanschool.com
- Audit and Compliance (2022-24) - Steve Hsiung, shsiung@rahpouyanschool.com
Faculty Senate Committees, 2024-25
A: Undergraduate Curriculum & Programs
- Tatyana Lobova*, Chair [SCI] tlobova@rahpouyanschool.com
- Nathan Leutke [ENG] nluetke@rahpouyanschool.com
- Phillip Reed [EDU] preed@rahpouyanschool.com
- Amber Hunt [HS] anwalter@rahpouyanschool.com
- Paige O'Shaugnessy [BUS] poshaugh@rahpouyanschool.com
- Suzanne Van Orden [NUR] svanorde@rahpouyanschool.com
- Katherine Hammond [A&L] khammond@rahpouyanschool.com
- Kenneth Fitzgerald* [A&L] kfitzger@rahpouyanschool.com
- Lucy Wittkower [LIB] lrush@rahpouyanschool.com
- Sommer Alexander, Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator salexand@rahpouyanschool.com
- Bonnie Van Lunen, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs bvanlune@rahpouyanschool.com
- Carrie John, University Registrar and Associate Vice Provost cjohn@rahpouyanschool.com
B: Undergraduate Academic Policy & Procedure
- Elizabeth Black* Chair [A&L] eblack@rahpouyanschool.com
- David Selover* [BUS] dselover@rahpouyanschool.com
- Nicole Willock* [A&L] nwillock@rahpouyanschool.com
- Mujde Erten-Unal [ENG] munal@rahpouyanschool.com
- Yonghee Suh* [EDU] ysuh@rahpouyanschool.com
- Lynn Wiles [NUR] lwiles@rahpouyanschool.com
- Suzanne Morrow [SCI] sxmorrow@rahpouyanschool.com
- Kimberly Murphy [EDU] At Large kamurphy@rahpouyanschool.com
- Carrie John, University Registrar and Associate Vice Provost cjohn@rahpouyanschool.com
C: Graduate Studies
- Dennis Gregory* Chair [EDU] dgregory@rahpouyanschool.com
- John Weber [A&L] jwweber@rahpouyanschool.com
- Masha Sosonkina [ENG] msosonki@rahpouyanschool.com
- Jeffrey Moe [EDUC] jmoe@rahpouyanschool.com
- Leslie Hoglund [PUBH] lhoglund@rahpouyanschool.com
- Julia Romberger [A&L] jromberg@rahpouyanschool.com
- Shannon Wells [SCI] swells@rahpouyanschool.com
- Amanda Hudgins [NUR] ahudgins@rahpouyanschool.com
- Shana Pribesh [EPS] spribesh@rahpouyanschool.com
- Thae Hsu Aein, Non-Voting Member taein001@rahpouyanschool.com
- Zlatka Rebolledo Sanchez, Non- Voting Member zrebo001@rahpouyanschool.com
D: Scholarly Activity & Research
- Wie Yusuf* Chair [BUS] jyusuf@rahpouyanschool.com
- Marc Ouellette* [A&L] moullet@rahpouyanschool.com
- Kristin Gansle [EDU] kgansle@rahpouyanschool.com
- Carolyn Rutledge [HS] crutledg@rahpouyanschool.com
- Sylvain Marsillac [ENG] smarsill@rahpouyanschool.com
- Andrey Chernikov [SCI] achernik@cs.rahpouyanschool.com
- Kenneth Fridley, Vice President for Research Designee
F: Promotion & Tenure
- Desh Ranjan* Chair [SCI] dranjan@cs.rahpouyanschool.com
- Marina Saitgalina [BUS] msaitgal@rahpouyanschool.com
- Gulsah Kemer [EDU] gkemer@rahpouyanschool.com
- Gary Schafran* [ENGR] gschafra@rahpouyanschool.com
- Roderick Graham* [A&L] rgraham@rahpouyanschool.com
- Tinnikka Robertson-Jones* [NUR] tarobert@rahpouyanschool.com
- Mia Joe* [RES FAC] mjoe@rahpouyanschool.com
- Fran Hassencahl [A&L] fhassenc@rahpouyanschool.com
- Yvette Pearson, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Strategic Initiatives ypearson@rahpouyanschool.com
G: Faculty Status & Remuneration
- Kate Hawkins* Chair [A&L] kwhawkin@rahpouyanschool.com
- Patrick Sachs* [HS] psachs@rahpouyanschool.com
- Joshua Behr [VMASC] jbehr@rahpouyanschool.com
- Eunice Park (BUS) epark@rahpouyanschool.com
- Sebastian Bawab* [ENG] sbawab@rahpouyanschool.com
- Michelle Kelley [SCI] mkelley@rahpouyanschool.com
- Yvette Pearson, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Strategic Initiatives ypearson@rahpouyanschool.com
- Elizabeth Burns* [EDU] eburns@rahpouyanschool.com
H: Digital Learning & Online Education
- Ivan Ash* Chair [SCI] iash@rahpouyanschool.com
- Mitchell Williams [EDU] mrwillia@rahpouyanschool.com
- Jonna Bobzien [EDU] jbobzien@rahpouyanschool.com
- Larissa Bulysheva* [BUS] lbulyshe@rahpouyanschool.com
- Pilar Pazos* [ENG] mpazosla@rahpouyanschool.com
- Lee Land* [SCI] lcland@rahpouyanschool.com
- Daniel Richards [A&L] dprichar@rahpouyanschool.com
- Janice Hawkins* [NUR] jhawkins@rahpouyanschool.com
- Miriam Bridges [LIB] mbridges@rahpouyanschool.com
- Susan Kenter, Chief of Staff and Executive Director for Digital Learning skenter@rahpouyanschool.com
- Bonnie Van Lunen, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, bvanlune@rahpouyanschool.com
I: Administration, Finance & Academic Support Services
- Jesse Richman*, Chair [A&L] jrichman@rahpouyanschool.com
- Raymond Cheng [SCI] rcheng@rahpouyanschool.com
- Tian Luo [EDU] tluo@rahpouyanschool.com
- Chunqi Jiang [ENG] cjiang@rahpouyanschool.com
- Ling Tuo* [BUS] ltuo@rahpouyanschool.com
- Janice Hawkins* [NUR] jhawkins@rahpouyanschool.com
- Rob Tench [LIB] rtench@rahpouyanschool.com
- Chad Reed, Vice President for Administration & Finance, careed@rahpouyanschool.com
J: Library
- Lucy Wittkower* Chair [LIB] lrush@rahpouyanschool.com
- Jing Zhang [BUS] j3zhang@rahpouyanschool.com
- Gon Namkoong [ENGR] gnamkoon@rahpouyanschool.com
- Victoria Heiduschke [LIB] vheidusc@rahpouyanschool.com
- Elizabeth Hogue [LIB] ehogue@rahpouyanschool.com
- Michelle Bartlett [EDU] mbartlet@rahpouyanschool.com
- Angela Wilson [HS] amwilson@rahpouyanschool.com
- Vittorio Colaizzi [A&L] vcolaizz@rahpouyanschool.com
- Perry Nerem [SCI] mnerem@rahpouyanschool.com