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February 2025 Faculty Publications
ODU College | Department | Type | Reference |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Article | Xu, Y. (2024). (Re)producing orientalism: Industry logic of Chinese mobile game re-skins in the global app empire. Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 15(1), 49-73. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Article | Zeitlin-Wu, L. (2025). On AI colourisation: Algorithms, ancestry, and colour beyond the black box. Visual Studies, 40(1), 70-84. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Book Chapter | Moradiyan-Rizi, N. (2025). Iranian women's biographical documentaries as sites of recognition and advocacy: An ecofeminist reading. In S. Warren & N. Moradiyan-Rizi (Eds.), Women and global documentary: Practices and perspectives in the 21st century. Bloomsbury Publishing. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Edited Book | Warren, S. and Moradiyan-Rizi, N. (Eds.). (2025). Women and global documentary: Practices and perspectives in the 21st century. Bloomsbury Publishing. |
Arts & Letters | English | Article | Romberger, J. (2024). Community building at the programmatic level: Arguing for the implementation of the PARS model in a distance learning graduate program. Programmatic Perspectives, 15(2), 31-54. |
Arts & Letters | English | Article in Press | Richards, D. P. (2025). Dead man's switch: Blame and causality in the epideictic scenes of disaster. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1-16. |
Arts & Letters | English | Book Review | Zarook, G. S. (2024). [Review of the book Out of Sri Lanka: Tamil, Sinhala, and English poetry from Sri Lanka and its diasporas, by V. Ravinthiran, S. Seneviratne, and S. Trevett (Eds.)]. Polity, 12(1), 85-89. |
Arts & Letters | History | Article | Brunelle, G. K. and Finley-Croswhite, A. (2024). “She has lived her life as she pleased”: Violence, gender, and sexuality among women of France's extreme right, 1930–1945. Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, 50(3), 27-47. |
Arts & Letters | International Studies | Conference Paper | Ayankojo, B. (2024). To what extent are the United States and Nigeria able to balance economic growth against emission reduction goals? Paper presented at the 53rd American Solar Energy Society National Solar Conference 2024: Connecting Technology and Policy, SOLAR Washington, DC, USA. May 20-23, 2024. pp. 271-284. |
Arts & Letters | Philosophy/ Religious Studies | Article in Press | Miller, D. E. (2025). Bigoted insults, harm, and the intentional infliction of pain: A reply to Bell. Utilitas, 1-8. |
Arts & Letters | Philosophy/ Religious Studies | Book Review | Kouri Kissel, T. (2025). [Review of the book Susan Stebbing, by F. Janssen-Lauret]. History of European Ideas, 51(1), 182-184. |
Arts & Letters | Sociology/ Criminal Justice | Article in Press | Pryce, D. K. (2025). Factors affecting the quality of life of residents in the United States: Lessons from Virginia. International Social Science Journal, 1-11. |
Arts & Letters | Sociology/ Criminal Justice | Book Review | Avalos, S. (2025). [Review of the book Transgender intimate partner violence: A comprehensive introduction, by A. Messinger and X. Guadalupe-Diaz (Eds.)]. Criminal Justice Review, 50(1), 106-107. |
Arts & Letters | Women's/ Gender Studies | Article | Bronner, S. J., Milligan, A. K. and Sebba-Elran, T. (2024). Jewish cultural scholarship and scholars—and their institutions—under duress. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology, 3(1), 1-21. |
Business (Strome) | Accountancy | Article | Hasan, M. M. (2025). Private lenders and borrowers' internal control-related private information. Advances in Accounting, 68, Article 100808. |
Business (Strome) | Accountancy | Article in Press | Duong, H. K., Lazerson, D. S. and Sequeira, E. (2025). Whistleblowing allegations and auditor resignation: Should I stay or should I go? Pacific Accounting Review, 26 pp. |
Business (Strome) | Economics | Article | Cardazzi, A., Humphreys, B. R. and Olbrecht, A. (2025). Post-career discrimination in professional basketball: Evidence from the Hall of Fame. International Journal of Sport Finance, 20(1), 34-43. |
Business (Strome) | Economics | Article | Routon, P. W. and Walker, J. K. (2025). Relative age, college satisfaction, and student perceptions of skills gained. Research in Economics, 79(2), Article 101037. |
Business (Strome) | Finance | Article | An, E. and Yung, K. (2025). Labor heterogeneity, labor adjustment costs, and externally financed firm growth. International Review of Economics and Finance, 97, 1-16, Article 103814. |
Business (Strome) | Finance | Article | Pazouki, S., Jamshidi, M. B., Jalali, M. and Tafreshi, A. (2025). The integration of big data in FinTech: Review of enhancing financial services through advanced technologies. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 25(1), 546-556. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Liu, J., Li, H., Shen, W., He, Y. and Zhu, L. (2025). How to cope with the negative health information avoidance behavior in a pandemic: The role of resilience. Behaviour & Information Technology, 44(2), 197-213. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Romero-Silva, R., Marsillac, E. and de Leeuw, S. (2025). Dominance of leading business schools in top journals: Insights for increasing institutional representation. Research Policy, 54(3), 1-15, Article 105193. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Werder, K., Cao, L., Park, E. H. and Ramesh, B. (2025). Why AI monitoring faces resistance and what healthcare organizations can do about it: An emotion-based perspective. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 27, 8 pp., Article e51785. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Wu, H. P., Liu, Z. H., Dong, H. Y., Lu, Y. and Xu, L. D. (2025). Revolutionizing internal auditing: Harnessing the power of blockchain. Enterprise Information Systems, 19(1/2), 1-27. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Xing, Y., He, Y. and Zhang, J. Z. (2025). Examining themes of social media users' opinion on remote work during COVID-19 pandemic: A justice theory perspective. Library Hi Tech, 43(1), 249-273. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article in Press | Chen, F. Z., Yang, J., Feng, H. Y., Wu, H. and Li, M. Q. (2025). A two-phase learning approach integrated with multi-source features for cloud service QoS prediction. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 1-11. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article in Press | Guan, Y., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Zhou, Z., Ding, W., Zou, Z., Xu, L., Ouyang, C. and Gan, Z. (2025). Real-time scheduling framework for multiagent cooperative logistics with dynamic supply demands. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 1-10. |
Business (Strome) | Management | Article | Li, S. and Farrell, M. (2025). China's industrial policy and its implications for international business. European Journal of International Management, 25(2), 309-333. |
Business (Strome) | Management | Article | Oksoy, A. S., Farrell, M. R. and Li, S. (2025). A different risk–return relationship. Risks, 13(2), 1-27, Article 22. |
Business (Strome) | Marketing | Article | Lai-Bennejean, C. and Arndt, A. (2025). Empowering salespeople in complex negotiations: Autonomy and leeway in preparation and concession-making. Journal of Business Research, 190, 1-13, Article 115233. |
Business (Strome) | Marketing | Article | Thomas, V. L., Karande, K. and Airani, R. (2025). Exploring consumer sentiment toward affordable housing. Journal of Macromarketing, 45(1), 211-226. |
Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity | Conference Paper | Ghazvinian, P., Podschwadt, R., Panzade, P., Rafiei, M. H. and Takabi, D. (2024). MOFHEI: Model optimizing framework for fast and efficient homomorphically encrypted neural network inference. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 6th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS-ISA), Washington, DC, USA. October 28-30, 2024. pp. 233-244. |
Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity | Conference Paper | Mehr, S. Y., Basak, S. and Dasgupta, A. (2024). Enhanced KNN method for malicious URL detection using GCLl (Google index, Counting the number of characters, and Length of URL) extraction technique. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 16-19, 2024. pp. 496-501. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Aaron, A., Corley, P., Barburoglu, Y. and Moe, J. (2025). Available CE questions. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 19(1), 120-122. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Tang, H. Y., Snow, K. and Xiong, Y. (2025). A campus and community supports for Asian university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health, 73(2), 773-781. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Tang, H. Y., Xiong, Y. and Snow, K. (2025). Discrimination experienced among Asian/Asian American students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health, 73(2), 511-518. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Editorial Material | Moe, J., Corley, P., Barburoglu, Y. and Albright, A. (2025). From the editor. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 19(1), 1-2. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article | Edwards, D. S. and Anderson, K. P. (2025). Do public school choice policies segregate schools? Dynamic effects in Michigan. AERA Open, 11, 1-20, Article 23328584251314049. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article | Saltmarsh, J. E. (2025). Unwritten ground rules of school choice: Excavating capital as a regulator of access to educational goods. Policy Futures in Education, 23(1), 202-223. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Ayers, D. F. (2025). Techno-pedagogic discourse and the online learning assetization regime. Higher Education, 21 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Bullington, K. E., Ison, M. P., Lopez, E. and Li, J. (2025). Financial considerations of vertical transfer students: Salary and student loan outcomes for bachelor's degree recipients. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-21. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Ferguson, S., Smith-Mutegi, D. and Cook-Snell, B. (2025). Exploring VR user experiences. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 22 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Regenold, T. A., Murphy, S. E. and Reed, P. A. (2025). Developing systemic thinking skills: Design-based research of one-page tools for public managers. TechTrends, 15 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Richard, M. S. and Cameron, A. (2025). “Attacked, silenced, and disrespected”: Navigating white fragility in a conversation about race within a principal preparation program classroom. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 1-15. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Editorial Material | Reed, P. A. (2024). A point of singularity for technology and engineering education. Journal of Technology Education, 36(1), 3-5. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Avila, K., Haegele, J. A., Horn, A. L. and Makovec, K. (2025). Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Blindness and Vision Impairment: Program overview and structure. Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly, 70(1), 42-52. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Layden, S. J., Nowland, L. A. and Haegele, J. A. (2025). Physical educators' training and confidence in implementing evidence-based practices for students with ASD. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 63(1), 66-81. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Liu, J., Chezan, L. C., Zhao, Y., Hood, S. K., Drasgow, E. and Wang, H. (2025). Utilizing network analysis to identify core items of quality of life for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 18(2), 370-386. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Watson, S. R. and Westby, C. (2025). Multilingual learners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and developmental language disorder: Assessing an underserved population of learners. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 10(1), 44-60. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Yang, J.-H., Kim, G. Y., Yang, H. J., Choi, C. and Bum, C.-H. (2025). The effects of the image attributes of golf star athletes supported by adult amateur golfers on sports participation desire and continuation intention. Frontiers in Psychology, 16, 1-9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Garcia, J. M., Ross-Cypcar, S. M. and Haegele, J. A. (2025). Differences in prescription drug misuse among U.S. adults with and without disabilities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 26 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Grassi-Roig, M., Bores-García, D., Haegele, J. A. and Pérez-Tejero, J. (2025). Disability awareness sport and physical education interventions: A systematic literature review from 1992 to 2023. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-22. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Haegele, J. A., Arroyo-Rojas, F. and Walton-Fisette, J. L. (2025). Exploring the (ex/in)clusion of disability within social justice physical education research. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special education | Article in Press | Mamo, Y. Z., Haegele, J., Anagnostopoulos, C. and Agyemang, K. (2025). Examining the socioemotional outcomes of social justice efforts on social media users: Evidence from the NFL's inspire change initiatives. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1-24. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Burns, E. (2024). Enhancing library communities through field-based projects. Library Trends, 72(4), 609-624. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Greene, J. A. and Crompton, H. (2025). Synthesizing definitions of digital literacy for the web 3.0. TechTrends, 69(1), 21-37. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Greenquist-Marlett, S., Bol, L. and Hill, C. (2025). Teachers' perceptions of their self-regulated learning practices in elementary school classrooms. Frontiers in Education, 9, 1-18, Article 1464350. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Kim, J. (2025). Artificial intelligence in achieving sustainable development: Expectations of undergraduate students. TechTrends, 69(1), 138-148. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Kim, J., Yu, S., Detrick, R. and Li, N. (2025). Exploring students’ perspectives on generative AI-assisted academic writing. Education and Information Technologies, 30(1), 1265-1300. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article in Press | Kim, J., Yu, S., Lee, S.-S. and Detrick, R. (2025). Students’ prompt patterns and its effects in AI-assisted academic writing: Focusing on students’ level of AI literacy. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article in Press | Song, Y., Kim, J., Xing, W., Liu, Z., Li, C. and Oh, H. (2025). Elementary school students’ and teachers’ perceptions toward creative mathematical writing with generative AI. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-23. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Book Chapter | Ritz, J. M. (2024). A vision of technology education: A USA perspective. In J. R. Dakers (Ed.), A Collection of Dreams about the Future of Technology Education (pp. 19-31). Brill. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Butler, B. M., Burgin, S. R., Diacopoulos, M. M. and McConnell, W. J. (2025). Teacher candidate learning of interdisciplinary controversial issues: Linking social studies and science in the elementary school curriculum. Action in Teacher Education, 47(1), 20-45. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Hernandez, J. and Gupta, A. (2025). Bridging cultures: Language learning circles in early childhood. Literacy Today, 42(3), 10-11. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Hutchison, A., Si, Q., Colwell, J., Kaya, E., Jakeway, E., Miller, B., Gutierrez, K., Regan, K. and Evmenova, A. (2025). Scaffolding coding instruction through literacy via the Compose and Code digital platform and curriculum. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 41, 1-14, Article e13115. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Kim, J., Yu, S., Detrick, R. and Li, N. (2025). Exploring students’ perspectives on generative AI-assisted academic writing. Education and Information Technologies, 30(1), 1265-1300. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Ferguson, S., Smith-Mutegi, D. and Cook-Snell, B. (2025). Exploring VR user experiences. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 22 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Kim, J., Yu, S., Lee, S.-S. and Detrick, R. (2025). Students’ prompt patterns and its effects in AI-assisted academic writing: Focusing on students’ level of AI literacy. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Maddamsetti, J. (2025). Understanding Asian women migrant teachers’ possibilities and challenges to become justice-minded teachers through a lens of temporalities and Asian critical race theory. Educational Studies, 1-21. |
Engineering (Batten) | Civil Engineering | Report | Yang, H., Cetin, M., Shen, Y., Yan, Z. and Wang, J. (2025). Supporting transportation system management and operations using Internet of Things technology: Phase II field tests. (Report. V. T. R. C. (VTRC). |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Amani, A. M., Abbasi, M., Najdian, A., Mohamadpour, F., Kasaee, S. R., Kamyab, H., Chelliapan, S., Shafiee, M., Tayebi, L., Vaez, A., Najafian, A., Vafa, E. and Mosleh-Shirazi, S. (2025). MXene-based materials for enhanced water quality: Advances in remediation strategies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 291, 1-29, Article 117817. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Amani, A. M., Tayebi, L., Vafa, E., Jahanbin, A., Abbasi, M., Vaez, A., Kamyab, H., Gnanasekaran, L. and Chelliapan, S. (2025). MXenes in biosensing: Enhancing sensitivity and flexibility – a review of properties, applications, and future directions. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 47, 1-11, Article 100732. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Balamurugan, R. S., Asad, Y., Gao, T., Nawarathna, D., Tida, U. R. and Sun, D. (2025). Automating the amino acid identification in elliptical dichroism spectrometer with Machine Learning. PLoS ONE, 20(1), 1-14, Article e0317130. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Farjadian, F., Parsi, F., Heidari, R., Zarkesh, K., Mohammadi-Samani, H. R. and Tayebi, L. (2024). Mesoporous silica administration as a new strategy in the management of Warfarin toxicity: An in-vitro and in-vivo study. Advances Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 14(4), 883-891. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Islam, M. O., Mahmood, R. and Elsayed-Ali, H. E. (2025). Ion emission from niobium nanosecond laser plasma. Vacuum, 234, Article 114048. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Jahani, A., Nourbakhsh, M. S., Moradi, A., Mohammadi, M. and Tayebi, L. (2025). Incorporating insulin into alginate-chitosan 3D-printed scaffolds: A comprehensive study on structure, mechanics, and biocompatibility for cartilage tissue engineering. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 9, 1-16, Article 100696. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Koushki, M., Amiri-Dashatan, N., Pourghadamyari, H., Khodabandehloo, H., Bagheri, F., Farahani, M. and Tayebi, L. (2024). An overview of the relationships between the food industry and nanotechnology. Applied Food Biotechnology, 11(2), 1-18, Article e7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Parvinnasab, A., Rostami, S., Namdar, A., Salahinejad, E., Taghvaei, A. H., Abdi, S., Rajabi, S. and Tayebi, L. (2025). Balanced enhancement of antibacterial activity and biocompatibility in chitosan-vancomycin 3D-printed scaffolds through mesoporous bioactive glass addition. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 105, Article 106637. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Pathan, S. M. K., Imran, S. B., Iqbal, M. M. S., Rahman, M. E., Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. R., Hasan, M. R., Dey, N. L. and Hossain, M. S. (2024). Comparative analysis of machine learning models for predicting healthcare traffic: Insights for optimized emergency response. Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 12(2), 54-61. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Rastegar-Pouyani, N., Zafari, J., Nasirpour, A., Vazini, H., Najjar, N., Azarshin, S. Z. and Javani Jouni, F. (2024). Methylene blue-mediated photodynamic therapy in combination with doxorubicin: A novel approach in the treatment of HT-29 colon cancer cells. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 15, 1-8, Article e64. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Siddiky, M. N., Rahman, M. E., Uzzal, M. S. and Kabir, H. M. D. (2025). A comprehensive exploration of 6G wireless communication technologies. Computers, 14(1), 1-57, Article 15. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Tusar, S. D., Chowdhury, S. M. A. A., Chowdhury, M. J. U., Pir, R. M., Alam, H. N. A., Rahman, M. R., Siddiky, M. N. A. and Rahman, M. E. (2024). Advancing chronic kidney disease prediction through machine learning and deep learning with feature analysis. Frontiers in Health Informatics, 13(3), 11338-11348. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article in Press | Azizli, M. J., Lashgari, S., Rezaeeparto, K., Parham, S., Ghadami, A., Tayebi, L., Vafa, E. and Asadizadegan, M. (2025). Polymer synergy: Enhancing PA6/PLA properties with POE-g-MA and bioactive glass for advanced biomedical solutions. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 25 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Leathrum, J. F., Jr., Shen, Y. and Sosonkina, M. (2024). Investigating the use of generative AI in M&S education. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 3142-3153. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Pathan, S. M. K., Imran, S. B. and Shabab Iqbal, M. M. (2024). Environmental sound pollution mapping using supervised deep learning. Paper presented at the 2024 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), Dhaka, Bangladesh. October 21-22, 2024. pp. 299-303. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Sadique, M. S., Rahman, M. M., Farzana, W., Glandon, A., Temtam, A. and Iftekharuddin, K. M. (2024). Local synthesis of healthy brain tissue using an enhanced 3D pix2pix model for medical image inpainting. Paper presented at the Brain Tumor Segmentation, and Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation. MICCAI Challenges, BraTS 2023 and CrossMoDA 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 8, 2024. pp. 312-321. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Saquib, M. N., Larson, R., Li, J., Kravchenko, S. G. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Reconstruction of internal morphology in molded platelet composite using residual stresses and deep convolutional neural network. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 15 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Pre-Print Article | Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. E., Hossen, M. F. B., Rahman, M. R. and Jaman, M. S. (2025). Optimizing AI language models: A study of ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-4o., 1-22. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Report | Yang, H., Cetin, M., Shen, Y., Yan, Z. and Wang, J. (2025). Supporting transportation system management and operations using Internet of Things technology: Phase II field tests. (Report. V. T. R. C. (VTRC). |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Darko, J. and Park, H. (2025). Proactive distributed emergency response with heterogeneous tasks allocation. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2025, 1-21, Article 5552310. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Ghavidel, A. and Pazos, P. (2025). Machine learning (ML) techniques to predict breast cancer in imbalanced datasets: A systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 19(1), 270-294. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Joiner, K. (2024). Australia's Pentagon wars moment. ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation, 45(4), 24 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Alla, S., Bheesetty, N., Komaragiri, S. G., Chidipudi, P., Mohanty, J., Chintala, S. K., Thomas, J., Vummadi, J., Volikatla, H. and Kamuni, N. (2024). Integrative machine learning approaches for enhanced classification of genomic sequences: A Next-Generation Sequencing perspective. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Dodda, S., Chintala, S. K., Mallreddy, S. R., Macha, S. C., Vasa, Y., Bonala, S. B., Kamuni, N. and Alla, S. (2024). Reinforcement learning for optimal kicking actions in humanoid robotics: Advancing robotic autonomy and versatility. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Gies, R. J., Unal, R. and Keating, C. B. (2024). Engineering management and industrial engineering industry and educational workforce development strategy. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Keating, C. B., Katina, P. F. and Pyne, J. C. (2024). System of Systems Engineering: A literature review and research frontiers. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference paper | Kucukkaya, G., Ozer, M., Balci, M. and Ugurlu, E. (2024). Data driven trade-off analysis for cybersecurity. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Tolk, A. (2024). Hybrid modeling integrating artificial intelligence and modeling & simulation paradigms. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 1271-1280. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Article | Shrestha, P., Avci, O., Rifai, S., Abla, F., Seek, M., Barth, K. and Halabe, U. (2025). A review of infrared thermography applications for civil infrastructure. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 19(2), 193-231. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Conference Paper | Alkunte, S., Fidan, I., Naikwadi, V. and Gudavasov, S. (2024). Tensile and fatigue analysis of functionally graded materials with varying concentrations manufactured using material extrusion. Paper presented at the 35th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF2024), Austin, TX, USA. August 11-14, 2024. pp. 1820-1829. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article | Alshammari, M., He, J. and Wriggers, W. (2025). Flexible fitting of AlphaFold2-predicted models to cryo-EM density maps using elastic network models: A methodical affirmation. Bioinformatics Advances, 5(1), 1-11, Article vbae181. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article | Naderi, A., Liu, S., Fu, J., Xu, T., Zhang, S., Ryu, J. E. and Jiang, X. (2025). Recent development in piezoelectric materials and devices for cryogenic environments. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 386, Article 116317. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article in Press | Simsek, M., Alberts, T. E. and Bilgen, O. (2025). Morphing shape metastructures using the hybrid position feedback control and bistable structural elements. Nonlinear Dynamics, 26 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Bhagatji, J. D., Fernandez, G., Osuniga, T. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Investigation of hot powder bed compaction for enhanced fusion bonding in additive manufacturing of composite component. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 11 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Britcher, C. P., Hull, C., Cox, D. and Schoenenberger, M. (2024). Comprehensive static and dynamic modeling of a magnetic suspension and balance system. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD), Sendai, Japan. 4 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Sadique, M. S., Rahman, M. M., Farzana, W., Glandon, A., Temtam, A. and Iftekharuddin, K. M. (2024). Local synthesis of healthy brain tissue using an enhanced 3D pix2pix model for medical image inpainting. Paper presented at the Brain Tumor Segmentation, and Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation. MICCAI Challenges, BraTS 2023 and CrossMoDA 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 8, 2024. pp. 312-321. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Saquib, M. N., Larson, R., Li, J., Kravchenko, S. G. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Reconstruction of internal morphology in molded platelet composite using residual stresses and deep convolutional neural network. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 15 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Brickell Medical Sciences Library | Article | Guy, K. M., Pace, A. A., Tsang, D. S. and Volsky, P. G. (2025). Risk analysis of radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: Systematic review and comparative study of 10-year outcomes. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 7(1), 1-12, Article vdae191. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Brickell Medical Sciences Library | Pre-Print Article | Partin, V.-J. C., Hooberman-Pineiro, A. M. and Pace, A. A. (2025). Evaluating online educational resources for Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Insights from Google, Bing, and ChatGPT3.5. medRxiv, 12 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article | Ahuja, K. and Conran, R. M. (2025). Educational case: Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with cancer. Academic Pathology, 12(1), 1-7, Article 100162. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article | Nicholson, G., Richards, N., Lockett, J., Ly, M. B., Nair, R. V., Kim, W.-K., Vinod, K. Y. and Nagre, N. (2025). Cannabinoid-2 receptor activation attenuates sulfur mustard analog 2-chloroethyl-ethyl-sulfide-induced acute lung injury in mice. Pharmaceuticals, 18(2), 1-15, Article 236. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Little, M., Risi, C. M., Larrinaga, T. M., Summers, M., Nguyen, T., Smith, G. E., Jr., Atherton, J., Gregorio, C. C., Kostyukova, A. S. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). Interaction of cardiac leiomodin with the native cardiac thin filament. PLoS Biology, 23(1), 1-21, Article e3003027. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Emergency Medicine | Article | Lo, B. M., Christensen, M. K., Schaffer, K. E. and Tzavaras, T. J. (2025). ST-elevation in aVR with diffuse ST-segment depression: Need for urgent catheterization? Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine, 9(1), 109-110. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Family/ Community Medicine | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article | Ahuja, K. and Conran, R. M. (2025). Educational case: Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with cancer. Academic Pathology, 12(1), 1-7, Article 100162. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article in Press | Blumrick, C. (2025). Severe infections in returning travelers. Medical Clinics of North America. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Pre-Print Article | Smith, W. R., Qayyum, R., Ulbing, A., Guy, M. S., Sop, D. M. and Zhang, Y. M. (2025). Preliminary validity of a daily functional status pain assessment tool. Journal of Sickle Cell Disease, 33 pp., Article yoaf006. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Atwani, R., Saade, G. and Kawakita, T. (2025). Impact of the ARRIVE trial on stillbirth rates in nulliparous individuals. American Journal of Perinatology, 42(3), 401-408. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Butler, M. R., Jacot, T. A., Dutta, S. M., Doncel, G. F. and Cooper, J. B. (2025). Quantification of antiretroviral drug emtricitabine in human plasma by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Omega, 10(5), 4315-4325. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Chen, S., Wang, T., Chen, J., Sui, M., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Sun, J. and Lu, Y. (2025). 3D bioprinting technology innovation in female reproductive system. Materials Today Bio, 31, Article 101551. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article in Press | Rocha, C. S., Alexander, K. L., Herrera, C., Weber, M. G., Grishina, I., Hirao, L. A., Kramer, D. J., Arredondo, J., Mende, A., Crakes, K. R., Fenton, A. N., Marco, M. L., Mills, D. A., Kappes, J. C., Smythies, L. E., Ziprin, P., Sankaran-Walters, S., Smith, P. D. and Dandekar, S. (2025). Microbial remodeling of gut tryptophan metabolism and indole-3-lactate production regulate epithelial barrier repair and viral suppression in human and simian immunodeficiency virus infections. Mucosal Immunology, 1-13. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article in Press | Tanamoto, T., Hayasaka, M., Robbins, L. S., Saade, G. and Kawakita, T. (2025). Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on the incidence of no prenatal care. American Journal of Perinatology. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Otolaryngology | Article | Fujieda, S., Pinto, J. M., Jang, D. W., Han, J. K., Mims, J., De Corso, E., Wagenmann, M., Xia, C., Plucinak, T., Corbett, M., Nash, S. and Radwan, A. (2025). Baseline disease characteristics by surgery history among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in the global aroma registry. American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery, 46(2), 1-7, Article 104596. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Otolaryngology | Article | Guy, K. M., Pace, A. A., Tsang, D. S. and Volsky, P. G. (2025). Risk analysis of radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: Systematic review and comparative study of 10-year outcomes. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 7(1), 1-12, Article vdae191. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Pediatrics | Book Review | Carmody, J. B. (2024). [Review of the book Progress notes: One year in the future of medicine, by A. M. Nussbaum]. Journal of Medical Regulation, 110(4), 26-27. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Risi, C. M., Landim-Vieira, M., Chase, P. B., Pinto, J. R. D. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). The structure of native cardiac thin filament carrying troponin T Ile79Asn pathogenic variant reveals the role of TnT1 loop in thin filament regulation. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 614a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Risi, C. M., Pinto, J. R. D., Chase, P. B. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). Troponin I C-terminus structural dynamics in the native cardiac thin filament revealed by cryo-electron microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 614a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Shi, Y., Assibey, M. O., He, H., Landim-Vieira, M., Ma, W., Irving, T. C., Gordon, B. S., Galkin, V. E., Pinto, J. R. D. and Chase, P. B. (2025). In vivo role of the unique N-helix of vertebrate troponin C in cardiac muscle function and regulation. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 613a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Psychiatry/ Behavioral Sciences | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Radiation Oncology/ Biophysics | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Surgery | Article | Kenney, L. M. and Hughes, M. (2025). Surgical management of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Cancers, 17(3), 1-17, Article 377. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Urology | Article in Press | Fachko, T. D., Robey, C. L., Cannon, G., Konyk, L., Thomas, S., Jockel, C., Montoya, L. and Fox, J. A. (2025). Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections with sterile, continuously closed drainage systems does not have to be costly. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 1-8. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | EVMS School of Health Professions | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | EVMS School of Health Professions | Pre-Print Article | Partin, V.-J. C., Hooberman-Pineiro, A. M. and Pace, A. A. (2025). Evaluating online educational resources for Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Insights from Google, Bing, and ChatGPT3.5. medRxiv, 12 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dean's Office | Article | Sugimoto, Y. A., McKeon, P. O., Rhea, C. K., Mattacola, C. G. and Ross, S. E. (2025). The investigation of nonlinear variability underlying postural control in the injure-limb in individuals with and without chronic ankle instability. Gait & Posture, 118, 69-74. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dental Hygiene | Article | Bradshaw, B. T., Voelker, M. A., Vest, S. C. and Sikdar, S. (2025). Match accuracy of burned teeth: A pilot study of allied dental professionals. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 32-40. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dental Hygiene | Article | McKinney, D. C., Sikdar, S. and Naavaal, S. (2025). Improving dental hygiene students' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence toward prenatal oral health through experiential learning: A pilot study. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 8-16. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Exercise Science | Article | Middleton, A., Harden, J. E. and Reynolds, L. J. (2025). The role of physical activity intensity on polychlorinated biphenyl levels in pregnant women. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 33(1), Article wspaj.2024-0085. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Medical Diagnostics/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Bjerring, J. S., Khodour, Y., Peterson, E. A., Sachs, P. C. and Bruno, R. D. (2025). Intercellular mitochondrial transfer contributes to microenvironmental redirection of cancer cell fate. FEBS Journal, 1-17. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Laverdure, P., Schwind, D. B. and Mahaffey, L. (2024). Managing change and building team capacity: Advancing our reach in social-emotional and mental health care. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention 17(4), 861-867. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Raghupathy, M. K., Jahangir, S., Khurana, S., Lewis, L. E. S. and Rao, B. K. (2025). 'I did not know we could exercise this small premature baby': Challenges experienced by parents while implementing early intervention for their preterm infants-a qualitative perspective. Child: Care, Health and Development, 51, 1-12, Article e70045. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Suttmiller, A. M. B., Johnson, K. R., Chung, S., Gruskiewicz, V. M., Foreman, N. N., Reyes, M. C. and McCann, R. S. (2025). Comparing the effects of progressive balance and hip strengthening rehabilitation in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 34(2), 67-76. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Thrasher, A. B., Walker, S. E. and Cavallario, J. M. (2025). Newly credentialed athletic trainers' onboarding process during the transition to practice. Journal of Athletic Training 60(1), 70-81. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article in Press | Sundar, S., Bowyer, P., Vas, A., Laverdure, P. and Cox, E. (2025). Interventions and measures of social inclusion for students with extensive support needs in K-12 schools: A scoping review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 1-18. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Speech-Language Pathology | Article | DeLuca, T., Radville, K. M., Pfeiffer, D. L. and Hogan, T. (2025). Defining developmental language disorder and dyslexia in schools: A mixed-methods analysis. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 68(2), 618-635. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Speech-Language Pathology | Article | Keck, C., Lankford, A., Pfeiffer, D., Durfee, A. and Guilfoyle, R. (2025). Speech-language pathology and occupational therapy students' perceptions of an interprofessional stroke workshop: A mixed methods analysis. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 9(1), 1-27, Article 7. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Joint School of Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health | Article | Daniel, L. C., Lubas, M. M., Wang, H., Szklo-Coxe, M., Ness, K. K., Williams, A. M., Mulrooney, D. A., Howell, R., Leisenring, W., Yasui, Y., Robison, L. L., Armstrong, G. T., Chow, E. J., Krull, K. R. and Brinkman, T. M. (2025). Frailty and sleep in adult survivors of childhood cancer: A Childhood Cancer Survivor Study report. Psycho-Oncology, 34(2), 1-7, Article e70098. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Joint School of Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Nursing (Ellmer) | Article | Hawkins, J. E., Chiu, P., Mumba, M. N., Gray, S. E. and Hawkins, R. J. (2025). Nurses' perceptions of the role of nursing organizations in promoting engagement with the sustainable development goals: A global study. American Journal of Nursing, 125(2), 22-29. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Nursing (Ellmer) | Article | Savard, I., Costanzo, G. S., Henderson, C., Gray, D. C., Rogers, M. and Kilpatrick, K. (2025). Unlocking the potential of primary healthcare nurse practitioners globally: A concept analysis of their added value. Nursing Outlook, 73(2), 1-9, Article 102358. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Glennan Center for Geriatrics/ Gerontology | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Integrative Neuroscience/ Inflammatory Diseases | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Sentara Center for Healthcare Simulation/ Immersive Learning | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Research Centers | Bioelectrics | Article | Fahimi, P., Castanedo, L. A. M., Vernier, P. T. and Matta, C. F. (2025). Electrical homeostasis of the inner mitochondrial membrane potential. Physical Biology, 22(2), 1-12, Article 026001. |
Research Centers | Bioelectrics | Article | Solopov, P. A., Colunga Biancatelli, R. M. L., Day, T., Gregory, B., Sharlow, E. R., Lazo, J. S. and Catravas, J. D. (2025). KVX-053, a protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A3 inhibitor, ameliorates SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit 1–induced acute lung injury in mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 392(3), 1-11, Article 100022. |
Research Centers | Bioelectronics | Article | Lahcen, A. A. and Slaughter, G. (2025). Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors for anti-HIV drug monitoring: Innovations, challenges, and prospects. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 258, Article 116727. |
Research Centers | Center for Educational Partnerships | Article | Garner, J. K., Kuhn, M., Rocchio, A. M. and Friedenreich, G. (2025). Learning and belonging in a museum-school environmental stewardship partnership. Journal of STEM Outreach, 8(1), 1-13. |
Research Centers | Institute for Coastal Adaption and Resilience | Article | Siu, W. Y., Li, M. and Caplan, A. J. (2025). A comprehensive parcel-level dataset on farmland assessment: Addressing grid-cell data bias estimation. Data, 10(1), 1-12, Article 10. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article | Ge, Y., Handel, A., Giabbanelli, P. J., Lemacks, J., Greer, T., Raynee, P., Bahl, J., Skarlupka, A. L., Dobbin, K. K., Ross, T. M. and Shen, Y. (2025). Exploring bias due to below-limit-of-detection values in influenza vaccine antibody modeling: A case study and instructional guide for the civic study. Vaccine, 49, 1-7, Article 126802. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article | Gore, R., Safaee, M. M., Lynch, C. J. and Ames, C. P. (2025). A spine-specific lexicon for the sentiment analysis of interviews with adult spinal deformity patients correlates with SF-36, SRS-22, and ODI scores: A pilot study of 25 patients. Information, 16(2), 1-17, Article 90. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article in Press | Giabbanelli, P. J., Gandee, T. J., Agrawal, A. and Hosseinichimeh, N. (2025). Benchmarking and assessing transformations between text and causal maps via large language models. Applied Ontology, 1-10. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article in Press | Reinhold, A. M., Gore, R. J., Ezell, B., Izurieta, C. I. and Shanahan, E. A. (2025). From cyclones to cybersecurity: A call for convergence in risk and crisis communications research. Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 1-20. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Botello, J. G., Frew, L., Padilla, J. J. and Weigle, M. C. (2024). Exploring Large Language Models for analyzing changes in web archive content: A retrieval-augmented generation approach. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2410-2418. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Giabbanelli, P. J. and Beerman, J. T. (2024). Accelerating hybrid agent-based models and fuzzy cognitive maps: How to combine agents who think alike? Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 182-193. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Giabbanelli, P. J., Padilla, J. J. and Agrawal, A. (2024). Broadening access to simulations for end-users via large language models: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA.December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2535-2546. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Martínez, J., Llinas, B., Botello, J. G., Padilla, J. J. and Frydenlund, E. (2024). Enhancing GPT-3.5's proficiency in NetLogo through few-shot prompting and retrieval-augmented generation. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 666-677. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Harman, T. E., Barshis, D., Salas, B. H. and Strychar, K. B. (2025). Cellular responses of Astrangia poculata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) and its symbiont to experimental heat stress. Water, 17(3), 1-20, Article 411. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Harrell, T., Basak, S., Sultana, H. and Neelakanta, G. (2025). Zika virus modulates arthropod histone methylation for its survival in mosquito cells. PLoS ONE, 20(2), 1-18, Article e0319290. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Jones, S. F., Arias-Ortiz, A., Baldocchi, D., Eagle, M., Friess, D. A., Gore, C., Noe, G., Nolte, S., Oikawa, P., Paytan, A., Raw, J. L., Roberts, B. J., Rogers, K., Schutte, C., Stagg, C. L., Thorne, K. M., Ward, E. J., Windham-Myers, L. and Yando, E. S. (2024). When and where can coastal wetland restoration increase carbon sequestration as a natural climate solution? Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 2, 1-16, Article e13. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Kahane-Rapport, S. R., Teeple, J., Liao, J. C., Paig-Tran, E. W. M. and Strother, J. A. (2025). Filter feeding in devil rays is highly sensitive to morphology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 292(2039), 1-12, Article 20242037. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Savoca, M. S., Abreo, N. A., Arias, A. H., Baes, L., Baini, M., Bergami, E., Brander, S., Canals, M., Choy, C. A., Corsi, I., De Witte, B., Domit, C., Dudas, S., Duncan, E. M., Fernández, C. E., Fossi, M. C., Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Godley, B. J., González-Paredes, D., . . . Santos, R. G. (2025). Monitoring plastic pollution using bioindicators: A global review and recommendations for marine environments. Environmental Science: Advances, 4(1), 10-32. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Pre-Print Article | Stankiewicz, K. H., Valenzuela, J. J., Turkarslan, S., Wu, W.-J., Gomez-Campo, K., Locatelli, N. S., Conn, T. L., Radice, V. Z., Parker, K. E., Alderdice, R., Bay, L. K., Voolstra, C. R., Barshis, D. J., Baums, I. B. and Baliga, N. S. (2025). Heat-responsive dynamic shifts in alternative splicing of the coral Acropora cervicornis. bioRxiv, 31 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article | Butler, M. R., Jacot, T. A., Dutta, S. M., Doncel, G. F. and Cooper, J. B. (2025). Quantification of antiretroviral drug emtricitabine in human plasma by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Omega, 10(5), 4315-4325. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article | Fang, W. Z., Chen, J. Q., Mao, J. D., Zhang, B. F., Lou, L. P. and Lin, Q. (2025). Cadmium translocation combined with metabolomics analysis revealed potential mechanisms of MT@MSN-CS and GSH@MSN-CS in reducing cadmium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 32(5), 2479-2491. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Akinwumi, I. A., Rabie, A. M., Katiyar, K., Ajayi, A., Bello, R. O., Aborode, A. T., Moin, A., Ferdoush, J., Ogunyemi, A., Etinosa, P., Osinuga, A., Obadawo, B. S., Awolola, V. G., Awaji, A. A. A., Umar, H. I., Adesola, R. O., Adio, W. S., Adeoye, B. O., Adeyemo, O. M., . . . Onifade, I. A. (2025). In-silico discovery of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 inhibitors from African medicinal plants: Molecular docking, ADMET, dynamics simulation, and MM-GBSA analyses. The Nucleus, 23 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Lutz, P. B., Coombs, W. R. and Bayse, C. A. (2025). Determination of structural factors contributing to protection of zinc fingers in estrogen receptor α through molecular dynamic simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 9 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Zvonareva, T., Courson, D. S. and Purcell, E. B. (2025). Clostridioides difficile infection study models and prospectives for probing the microbe-host interface. Journal of Bacteriology, 1-17, Article e0040724. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Pre-Print Article | Ogar, O. E., Messiah, A. I., Adewuyi, H. A., Waheed, S. A., Oluwatoyin, A. H., Obunadike, C. V., Mohammed, U. A., Shekari, A., Augustine, B., Sebastine, K. L. and Olukayode, J. T. (2025). Anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hyperlipidemic, hematological, hepatoprotective, and anti-oxidant effects of Vernoniaamygdalina on alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Research Square, 19 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Alshammari, M., He, J. and Wriggers, W. (2025). Flexible fitting of AlphaFold2-predicted models to cryo-EM density maps using elastic network models: A methodical affirmation. Bioinformatics Advances, 5(1), 1-11, Article vbae181. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Pateras, J., Lodi, M., Rana, P. and Ghosh, P. (2025). Heterogeneous clustering of multiomics data for breast cancer subgroup classification and detection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 26(4), 1-18, Article 1707. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Wang, Y., Feng, L., Cai, F., Li, L., Wu, R. and Li, J. (2024). TEC-CNN: Toward efficient compressing of convolutional neural nets with low-rank tensor decomposition. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 21(2), 1-23, Article 60. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Xu, J., Zhou, L., Zhao, Y., Li, X., Zhu, K., Xu, X., Duan, Q. and Zhang, R. (2025). A two-stage federated learning method for personalization via selective collaboration. Computer Communications, 232, Article 108053. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Farrow, B., Ji, S.-Y. and Jayarathna, S. (2025). A microservices architecture for processing large electroencephalogram studies. International Journal of Computers and Applications. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Guo, F., Guan, R., Li, Y., Liu, Q., Wang, X., Yang, C. and Wang, J. (2025). Foundation models in bioinformatics. National Science Review, 21 pp., Article nwaf028. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Wong, W. K., Li, L., Fei, L., Zhang, B., Toomey, A. and Wen, J. (2025). Confident local structure-aware incomplete multiview spectral clustering. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 1-13. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Book | Mallik, S., Das, H., Qin, H., Bora, K. and Mallick, K. (2025). Landscape of pattern learning applied to public health and social sciences. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Book Chapter | Olariu, S., Aljohani, M. and Mukkamala, R. (2025). Online e-reputation management services. In J. R. Vacca (Ed.), Computer and Information Security Handbook (4th ed., pp. 1509-1520). Morgan Kaufmann. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Alghamdi, T., Vittorini, T., Spreafico, M., Battaglieri, M., Sato, N. and Li, Y. (2024). Unfolding particle detector acceptance in high energy physics with Generative AI. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 36th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Herndon, VA, USA. October 28-30, 2024. pp. 962-968. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Aljohani, M., Mukkamala, R., Olariu, S., Kalari, S. and Sunkara, M. (2024). SmartReview: A blockchain-based transaction review system for decentralized marketplaces. Paper presented at the 2024 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), Dubai, UAE. November 26-29, 2024. pp. 108-115. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Alla, S., Bheesetty, N., Komaragiri, S. G., Chidipudi, P., Mohanty, J., Chintala, S. K., Thomas, J., Vummadi, J., Volikatla, H. and Kamuni, N. (2024). Integrative machine learning approaches for enhanced classification of genomic sequences: A Next-Generation Sequencing perspective. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Annan, R., Qin, H., Yuan, X., Roy, K., Newman, R. and Qingge, L. (2024). Efficient federated learning with multi-teacher knowledge distillation for COVID-19 detection. Paper presented at the 15th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, ACM-BCB 2024, Shenzhen, China. November 22-25, 2024. 6 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Balasubramanian, S., Sai Subramaniam, M., Talasu, S. S., Phanindra Sai, M. P., Krishna, Y. P., Gera, D. and Mukkamala, R. (2024). EXACFS - a CIL method to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. Paper presented at the 15th Indian Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP 2024, Bengaluru, India. December 13-15, 2024. 8 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Botello, J. G., Frew, L., Padilla, J. J. and Weigle, M. C. (2024). Exploring Large Language Models for analyzing changes in web archive content: A retrieval-augmented generation approach. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2410-2418. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Ebalo, E. and Poursardar, F. (2024). Comparative study of ML techniques for misinformation detection in war reporting. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 8650-8652. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Liu, C., Li, L., Wang, S., Xia, Y. and Tao, Q. (2024). Adaptive multi-graph fusion with contrastive learning for bundle recommendation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Intelligent Mining (MLCCIM2024), Shennongjia, Shiyan City, China. May 30-June 3, 2024. pp. 86-94. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Makohon, I., Wu, J., Feng, B. and Li, Y. (2025). Can language models reason about ICD codes to guide the generation of clinical notes? EasyChair Preprints, 1-13. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. E., Hossen, M. F. B., Rahman, M. R. and Jaman, M. S. (2025). Optimizing AI language models: A study of ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-4o., 1-22. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Zheng, K., Duan, G., Yang, M., Wu, W., Li, Y. and Wang, J. (2025). LRTM: Left-right transition matrices for molecular interaction prediction. bioRxiv, 1-9. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Zheng, K., Wang, S., Xu, Y., Lei, Q., Zhao, Q., Liang, X., Feng, Q., Li, Y., Li, M., Xu, J. and Wang, J. (2025). TopoLa: A universal framework to enhance cell representations for single-cell and spatial omics through topology-encoded latent hyperbolic geometry. arXiv preprint |
Sciences | Computer Science | Report | Prince, L. and Weigle, M. C. (2025). Examining engagement with disinformation accounts on Instagram using web archives. (Report. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | Bradshaw, B. T., Voelker, M. A., Vest, S. C. and Sikdar, S. (2025). Match accuracy of burned teeth: A pilot study of allied dental professionals. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 32-40. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | McKinney, D. C., Sikdar, S. and Naavaal, S. (2025). Improving dental hygiene students' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence toward prenatal oral health through experiential learning: A pilot study. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 8-16. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | Nguyen, G., Xu, X. and Zhao, Y. X. (2024). Analytic insights into an adapted algorithm for the score-based secretary problem. Journal of Mathematical Study 57(4), 476-485. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Question/ Answer | Adam, J. (2025). Suntan (and other solar trigonometric functions): Solutions for Fermi questions, February 2025. The Physics Teacher, 63(2), A129. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Chen, X., Santos, I. R., Du, J., Xu, B., Tamborski, J. J., He, D., Cukrov, N., Sanders, C. J., Liu, J., Zhu, P., Zhang, Y. and Li, L. (2025). Sandy subterranean estuaries minimize groundwater nitrogen pollution impacts on coastal waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(3), 1-12, Article e2024GL109621. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Gallagher, K. L., Herman, R., Walton, K., Dinniman, M. S. and Lynch, H. J. (2025). Pygoscelis penguins prefer different oceanographic and terrestrial habitats during the austral summer. ECOSPHERE, 16(2), 1-19, Article e70091. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Turner, J. S., Munro, D. R., Fay, A., Stammerjohn, S., Kim, H., Schofield, O. and Dierssen, H. (2025). Seasonal variability of surface ocean carbon uptake and chlorophyll-a concentration in the West Antarctic Peninsula over two decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(4), 1-11, Article e2024GL112446. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Wolny, J. L., Tomlinson, M. C., Egerton, T. A., Gibala-Smith, L. A., Law, C. B., Gortz, E., Brooks, E. W., Whereat, E. B. and Mulholland, M. R. (2025). Detection of a late autumn Karenia papilionacea bloom in Virginia, USA, coastal waters. Harmful Algae, 142, 1-13, Article 102805. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article in Press | Craft, N. J. and Bochdansky, A. B. (2025). Organic carbon decay mediated by a mesopelagic microbial community: The relevance of carbon pools and broad biochemical composition. Limnology and Oceanography, 1-16. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., . . . Murray, M. (2025). Design of the ECCE detector for the Electron Ion Collider. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 1073, 1-29, Article 170240. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Bibrzycki, Ł., Hammoud, N., Mathieu, V., Perry, R. J., Akridge, A., Fernández-Ramírez, C., Montaña, G., Pilloni, A., Rodas, A., Shastry, V., Smith, W. A., Winney, D. and Szczepaniak, A. P. (2025). Studying π+π− photoproduction beyond Pomeron exchange. Physical Review D, 111, 1-32, Article 014002. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Boer, D., Flett, C. A., Flore, C., Kikola, D., Lansberg, J.-P., Nefedov, M., Van Hulse, C., Bhattacharya, S., Bor, J., Butenschoen, M., Ceccopieri, F., Chen, L., Cheung, V., D'Alesio, U., Echevarria, M., Hatta, Y., Hyde, C. E., Kishore, R., Kosarzewski, L., . . . Yoshida, S. (2025). Physics case for quarkonium studies at the Electron Ion Collider. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 142, 1-68, Article 104162. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Johnson, R. M., Bernath, P. F., Billinghurst, B. and Zhao, J. B. (2025). Collision-induced absorption spectra of N2 and CH4. Astrophysical Journal, 979(2), 1-6, Article 149. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Khanal, B. D., Balachandran, S., Chetri, S., Barron, M., Mullinix, R., Williams, A., Xu, P., Ingrole, A., Lee, P. J., Ciovati, G. and Dhakal, P. (2025). Role of microstructure on flux expulsion of superconducting radio frequency cavities. Superconductor Science and Technology, 38(1), 1-18, Article 015015. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Tena-Vidal, J., Ashkenazi, A., Weinstein, L. B., Blunden, P., Dytman, S. and Steinberg, N. (2025). A universal implementation of radiative effects in neutrino event generators. Computer Physics Communications, 310, 1-7, Article 109509. |
Sciences | Physics | Pre-Print Article | Klimenko, V., Carman, D. S., Gothe, R. W., Joo, K., Markov, N., Mokeev, V. I., Niculescu, G., Achenbach, P., Alvarado, J. S., Armstrong, W., Atac, H., Avakian, H., Baashen, L., Baltzell, N. A., Barion, L., Bashkanov, M., Battaglieri, M., Benmokhtar, F., Bianconi, A. and Biselli, A. S. (2025). Inclusive electron scattering in the resonance region off a hydrogen target with CLAS12. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.14996, 1-28. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Ehlke, S., Fitzer, S. and Rigney, K. (2025). Exploring differences in cannabis use and harm perceptions among sexual minority and heterosexual females: A brief report. Cannabis, 8(1), 1-7. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Strowger, M., Cross, A., Braitman, A. L., Lewis, M. A. and Litt, D. M. (2025). Prototype specificity matters when predicting later alcohol-related content posting and alcohol use among adolescent and young adults. Substance Use & Misuse, 60(4), 478-486. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Strowger, M., Steers, M. N., Geyer, R. B., Ayala Guzman, R., Ward, R. M. and Braitman, A. L. (2025). Influencer drinking norms: Cross-sectional mediators of alcohol-related social media and college drinking. Substance Use & Misuse, 60(4), 596-603. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Ayala Guzman, R., Strowger, M., Kazlauskaite, K. and Braitman, A. L. (2025). Fear of missing out serially mediated by social media use and alcohol-related content on alcohol outcomes among college students: A cross-sectional examination. Psychological Reports, 1-20. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | DelosReyes, J. M. V. and Padilla, M. A. (2025). Obtaining a Bayesian estimate of coefficient alpha using a posterior normal distribution. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1-24. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Junkin, E., Kazlauskaite, K. and Lau-Barraco, C. (2025). Daily drinking intention-behavior discrepancies are associated with drinking-related consequences. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1-9. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article In Press | McCord, M. A. (2025). Sounds of silence: Using the stereotype content model to understand perceptions of introverts and extraverts at work. Occupational Health Science, 31 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Morgan, C. H., Rodriguez, C. M., Pu, D. F. and Elkins, Z. O. (2025). Approval of parent-child aggression as a mediator of intergenerational child abuse risk: An evaluation of racial differences. Journal of Family Violence, 13 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Still, J. D. (2025). Mobile interface design patterns and attentional maps. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-10. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Xu, X., Hayes, R., Jiang, L. and Jimenez, W. P. (2025). Are positive and negative leader humor two different coins? A meta-analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 23 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Meeting Abstract | Hamrick, H., Judah, M. and Milam, A. (2024). Contrast avoidance influences the relationship between a neural index of cognitive control and self-reported worry. Psychophysiology, 61, S246-S247. |
February 2025 Faculty Publications
ODU College | Department | Type | Reference |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Article | Xu, Y. (2024). (Re)producing orientalism: Industry logic of Chinese mobile game re-skins in the global app empire. Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 15(1), 49-73. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Article | Zeitlin-Wu, L. (2025). On AI colourisation: Algorithms, ancestry, and colour beyond the black box. Visual Studies, 40(1), 70-84. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Book Chapter | Moradiyan-Rizi, N. (2025). Iranian women's biographical documentaries as sites of recognition and advocacy: An ecofeminist reading. In S. Warren & N. Moradiyan-Rizi (Eds.), Women and global documentary: Practices and perspectives in the 21st century. Bloomsbury Publishing. |
Arts & Letters | Communication/ Theatre Arts | Edited Book | Warren, S. and Moradiyan-Rizi, N. (Eds.). (2025). Women and global documentary: Practices and perspectives in the 21st century. Bloomsbury Publishing. |
Arts & Letters | English | Article | Romberger, J. (2024). Community building at the programmatic level: Arguing for the implementation of the PARS model in a distance learning graduate program. Programmatic Perspectives, 15(2), 31-54. |
Arts & Letters | English | Article in Press | Richards, D. P. (2025). Dead man's switch: Blame and causality in the epideictic scenes of disaster. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 1-16. |
Arts & Letters | English | Book Review | Zarook, G. S. (2024). [Review of the book Out of Sri Lanka: Tamil, Sinhala, and English poetry from Sri Lanka and its diasporas, by V. Ravinthiran, S. Seneviratne, and S. Trevett (Eds.)]. Polity, 12(1), 85-89. |
Arts & Letters | History | Article | Brunelle, G. K. and Finley-Croswhite, A. (2024). “She has lived her life as she pleased”: Violence, gender, and sexuality among women of France's extreme right, 1930–1945. Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques, 50(3), 27-47. |
Arts & Letters | International Studies | Conference Paper | Ayankojo, B. (2024). To what extent are the United States and Nigeria able to balance economic growth against emission reduction goals? Paper presented at the 53rd American Solar Energy Society National Solar Conference 2024: Connecting Technology and Policy, SOLAR Washington, DC, USA. May 20-23, 2024. pp. 271-284. |
Arts & Letters | Philosophy/ Religious Studies | Article in Press | Miller, D. E. (2025). Bigoted insults, harm, and the intentional infliction of pain: A reply to Bell. Utilitas, 1-8. |
Arts & Letters | Philosophy/ Religious Studies | Book Review | Kouri Kissel, T. (2025). [Review of the book Susan Stebbing, by F. Janssen-Lauret]. History of European Ideas, 51(1), 182-184. |
Arts & Letters | Sociology/ Criminal Justice | Article in Press | Pryce, D. K. (2025). Factors affecting the quality of life of residents in the United States: Lessons from Virginia. International Social Science Journal, 1-11. |
Arts & Letters | Sociology/ Criminal Justice | Book Review | Avalos, S. (2025). [Review of the book Transgender intimate partner violence: A comprehensive introduction, by A. Messinger and X. Guadalupe-Diaz (Eds.)]. Criminal Justice Review, 50(1), 106-107. |
Arts & Letters | Women's/ Gender Studies | Article | Bronner, S. J., Milligan, A. K. and Sebba-Elran, T. (2024). Jewish cultural scholarship and scholars—and their institutions—under duress. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology, 3(1), 1-21. |
Business (Strome) | Accountancy | Article | Hasan, M. M. (2025). Private lenders and borrowers' internal control-related private information. Advances in Accounting, 68, Article 100808. |
Business (Strome) | Accountancy | Article in Press | Duong, H. K., Lazerson, D. S. and Sequeira, E. (2025). Whistleblowing allegations and auditor resignation: Should I stay or should I go? Pacific Accounting Review, 26 pp. |
Business (Strome) | Economics | Article | Cardazzi, A., Humphreys, B. R. and Olbrecht, A. (2025). Post-career discrimination in professional basketball: Evidence from the Hall of Fame. International Journal of Sport Finance, 20(1), 34-43. |
Business (Strome) | Economics | Article | Routon, P. W. and Walker, J. K. (2025). Relative age, college satisfaction, and student perceptions of skills gained. Research in Economics, 79(2), Article 101037. |
Business (Strome) | Finance | Article | An, E. and Yung, K. (2025). Labor heterogeneity, labor adjustment costs, and externally financed firm growth. International Review of Economics and Finance, 97, 1-16, Article 103814. |
Business (Strome) | Finance | Article | Pazouki, S., Jamshidi, M. B., Jalali, M. and Tafreshi, A. (2025). The integration of big data in FinTech: Review of enhancing financial services through advanced technologies. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 25(1), 546-556. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Liu, J., Li, H., Shen, W., He, Y. and Zhu, L. (2025). How to cope with the negative health information avoidance behavior in a pandemic: The role of resilience. Behaviour & Information Technology, 44(2), 197-213. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Romero-Silva, R., Marsillac, E. and de Leeuw, S. (2025). Dominance of leading business schools in top journals: Insights for increasing institutional representation. Research Policy, 54(3), 1-15, Article 105193. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Werder, K., Cao, L., Park, E. H. and Ramesh, B. (2025). Why AI monitoring faces resistance and what healthcare organizations can do about it: An emotion-based perspective. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 27, 8 pp., Article e51785. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Wu, H. P., Liu, Z. H., Dong, H. Y., Lu, Y. and Xu, L. D. (2025). Revolutionizing internal auditing: Harnessing the power of blockchain. Enterprise Information Systems, 19(1/2), 1-27. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article | Xing, Y., He, Y. and Zhang, J. Z. (2025). Examining themes of social media users' opinion on remote work during COVID-19 pandemic: A justice theory perspective. Library Hi Tech, 43(1), 249-273. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article in Press | Chen, F. Z., Yang, J., Feng, H. Y., Wu, H. and Li, M. Q. (2025). A two-phase learning approach integrated with multi-source features for cloud service QoS prediction. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 1-11. |
Business (Strome) | Information Technology/ Decision Sciences | Article in Press | Guan, Y., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Zhou, Z., Ding, W., Zou, Z., Xu, L., Ouyang, C. and Gan, Z. (2025). Real-time scheduling framework for multiagent cooperative logistics with dynamic supply demands. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 1-10. |
Business (Strome) | Management | Article | Li, S. and Farrell, M. (2025). China's industrial policy and its implications for international business. European Journal of International Management, 25(2), 309-333. |
Business (Strome) | Management | Article | Oksoy, A. S., Farrell, M. R. and Li, S. (2025). A different risk–return relationship. Risks, 13(2), 1-27, Article 22. |
Business (Strome) | Marketing | Article | Lai-Bennejean, C. and Arndt, A. (2025). Empowering salespeople in complex negotiations: Autonomy and leeway in preparation and concession-making. Journal of Business Research, 190, 1-13, Article 115233. |
Business (Strome) | Marketing | Article | Thomas, V. L., Karande, K. and Airani, R. (2025). Exploring consumer sentiment toward affordable housing. Journal of Macromarketing, 45(1), 211-226. |
Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity | Conference Paper | Ghazvinian, P., Podschwadt, R., Panzade, P., Rafiei, M. H. and Takabi, D. (2024). MOFHEI: Model optimizing framework for fast and efficient homomorphically encrypted neural network inference. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 6th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (TPS-ISA), Washington, DC, USA. October 28-30, 2024. pp. 233-244. |
Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity | Conference Paper | Mehr, S. Y., Basak, S. and Dasgupta, A. (2024). Enhanced KNN method for malicious URL detection using GCLl (Google index, Counting the number of characters, and Length of URL) extraction technique. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 16-19, 2024. pp. 496-501. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Aaron, A., Corley, P., Barburoglu, Y. and Moe, J. (2025). Available CE questions. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 19(1), 120-122. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Tang, H. Y., Snow, K. and Xiong, Y. (2025). A campus and community supports for Asian university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health, 73(2), 773-781. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Article | Tang, H. Y., Xiong, Y. and Snow, K. (2025). Discrimination experienced among Asian/Asian American students amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American College Health, 73(2), 511-518. |
Education (Darden) | Counseling/ Human Services | Editorial Material | Moe, J., Corley, P., Barburoglu, Y. and Albright, A. (2025). From the editor. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 19(1), 1-2. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article | Edwards, D. S. and Anderson, K. P. (2025). Do public school choice policies segregate schools? Dynamic effects in Michigan. AERA Open, 11, 1-20, Article 23328584251314049. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article | Saltmarsh, J. E. (2025). Unwritten ground rules of school choice: Excavating capital as a regulator of access to educational goods. Policy Futures in Education, 23(1), 202-223. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Ayers, D. F. (2025). Techno-pedagogic discourse and the online learning assetization regime. Higher Education, 21 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Bullington, K. E., Ison, M. P., Lopez, E. and Li, J. (2025). Financial considerations of vertical transfer students: Salary and student loan outcomes for bachelor's degree recipients. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-21. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Ferguson, S., Smith-Mutegi, D. and Cook-Snell, B. (2025). Exploring VR user experiences. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 22 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Regenold, T. A., Murphy, S. E. and Reed, P. A. (2025). Developing systemic thinking skills: Design-based research of one-page tools for public managers. TechTrends, 15 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Article in Press | Richard, M. S. and Cameron, A. (2025). “Attacked, silenced, and disrespected”: Navigating white fragility in a conversation about race within a principal preparation program classroom. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 1-15. |
Education (Darden) | Educational Leadership/ Workforce Development | Editorial Material | Reed, P. A. (2024). A point of singularity for technology and engineering education. Journal of Technology Education, 36(1), 3-5. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Avila, K., Haegele, J. A., Horn, A. L. and Makovec, K. (2025). Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Blindness and Vision Impairment: Program overview and structure. Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly, 70(1), 42-52. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Layden, S. J., Nowland, L. A. and Haegele, J. A. (2025). Physical educators' training and confidence in implementing evidence-based practices for students with ASD. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 63(1), 66-81. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Liu, J., Chezan, L. C., Zhao, Y., Hood, S. K., Drasgow, E. and Wang, H. (2025). Utilizing network analysis to identify core items of quality of life for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 18(2), 370-386. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Watson, S. R. and Westby, C. (2025). Multilingual learners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and developmental language disorder: Assessing an underserved population of learners. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 10(1), 44-60. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article | Yang, J.-H., Kim, G. Y., Yang, H. J., Choi, C. and Bum, C.-H. (2025). The effects of the image attributes of golf star athletes supported by adult amateur golfers on sports participation desire and continuation intention. Frontiers in Psychology, 16, 1-9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Garcia, J. M., Ross-Cypcar, S. M. and Haegele, J. A. (2025). Differences in prescription drug misuse among U.S. adults with and without disabilities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 26 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Grassi-Roig, M., Bores-García, D., Haegele, J. A. and Pérez-Tejero, J. (2025). Disability awareness sport and physical education interventions: A systematic literature review from 1992 to 2023. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-22. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special Education | Article in Press | Haegele, J. A., Arroyo-Rojas, F. and Walton-Fisette, J. L. (2025). Exploring the (ex/in)clusion of disability within social justice physical education research. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1-9. |
Education (Darden) | Human Movement Studies/ Special education | Article in Press | Mamo, Y. Z., Haegele, J., Anagnostopoulos, C. and Agyemang, K. (2025). Examining the socioemotional outcomes of social justice efforts on social media users: Evidence from the NFL's inspire change initiatives. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1-24. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Burns, E. (2024). Enhancing library communities through field-based projects. Library Trends, 72(4), 609-624. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Greene, J. A. and Crompton, H. (2025). Synthesizing definitions of digital literacy for the web 3.0. TechTrends, 69(1), 21-37. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Greenquist-Marlett, S., Bol, L. and Hill, C. (2025). Teachers' perceptions of their self-regulated learning practices in elementary school classrooms. Frontiers in Education, 9, 1-18, Article 1464350. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Kim, J. (2025). Artificial intelligence in achieving sustainable development: Expectations of undergraduate students. TechTrends, 69(1), 138-148. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Kim, J., Yu, S., Detrick, R. and Li, N. (2025). Exploring students’ perspectives on generative AI-assisted academic writing. Education and Information Technologies, 30(1), 1265-1300. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article in Press | Kim, J., Yu, S., Lee, S.-S. and Detrick, R. (2025). Students’ prompt patterns and its effects in AI-assisted academic writing: Focusing on students’ level of AI literacy. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Article in Press | Song, Y., Kim, J., Xing, W., Liu, Z., Li, C. and Oh, H. (2025). Elementary school students’ and teachers’ perceptions toward creative mathematical writing with generative AI. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-23. |
Education (Darden) | STEMPS | Book Chapter | Ritz, J. M. (2024). A vision of technology education: A USA perspective. In J. R. Dakers (Ed.), A Collection of Dreams about the Future of Technology Education (pp. 19-31). Brill. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Butler, B. M., Burgin, S. R., Diacopoulos, M. M. and McConnell, W. J. (2025). Teacher candidate learning of interdisciplinary controversial issues: Linking social studies and science in the elementary school curriculum. Action in Teacher Education, 47(1), 20-45. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Hernandez, J. and Gupta, A. (2025). Bridging cultures: Language learning circles in early childhood. Literacy Today, 42(3), 10-11. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Hutchison, A., Si, Q., Colwell, J., Kaya, E., Jakeway, E., Miller, B., Gutierrez, K., Regan, K. and Evmenova, A. (2025). Scaffolding coding instruction through literacy via the Compose and Code digital platform and curriculum. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 41, 1-14, Article e13115. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Kim, J., Yu, S., Detrick, R. and Li, N. (2025). Exploring students’ perspectives on generative AI-assisted academic writing. Education and Information Technologies, 30(1), 1265-1300. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article | Smith-Mutegi, D., Mamo, Y., Kim, J., Crompton, H. and McConnell, M. (2025). Perceptions of STEM education and artificial intelligence: A Twitter (X) sentiment analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 12(1), 1-18, Article 9. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Ferguson, S., Smith-Mutegi, D. and Cook-Snell, B. (2025). Exploring VR user experiences. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 22 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Kim, J., Yu, S., Lee, S.-S. and Detrick, R. (2025). Students’ prompt patterns and its effects in AI-assisted academic writing: Focusing on students’ level of AI literacy. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18. |
Education (Darden) | Teaching/ Learning | Article in Press | Maddamsetti, J. (2025). Understanding Asian women migrant teachers’ possibilities and challenges to become justice-minded teachers through a lens of temporalities and Asian critical race theory. Educational Studies, 1-21. |
Engineering (Batten) | Civil Engineering | Report | Yang, H., Cetin, M., Shen, Y., Yan, Z. and Wang, J. (2025). Supporting transportation system management and operations using Internet of Things technology: Phase II field tests. (Report. V. T. R. C. (VTRC). |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Amani, A. M., Abbasi, M., Najdian, A., Mohamadpour, F., Kasaee, S. R., Kamyab, H., Chelliapan, S., Shafiee, M., Tayebi, L., Vaez, A., Najafian, A., Vafa, E. and Mosleh-Shirazi, S. (2025). MXene-based materials for enhanced water quality: Advances in remediation strategies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 291, 1-29, Article 117817. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Amani, A. M., Tayebi, L., Vafa, E., Jahanbin, A., Abbasi, M., Vaez, A., Kamyab, H., Gnanasekaran, L. and Chelliapan, S. (2025). MXenes in biosensing: Enhancing sensitivity and flexibility – a review of properties, applications, and future directions. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 47, 1-11, Article 100732. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Balamurugan, R. S., Asad, Y., Gao, T., Nawarathna, D., Tida, U. R. and Sun, D. (2025). Automating the amino acid identification in elliptical dichroism spectrometer with Machine Learning. PLoS ONE, 20(1), 1-14, Article e0317130. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Farjadian, F., Parsi, F., Heidari, R., Zarkesh, K., Mohammadi-Samani, H. R. and Tayebi, L. (2024). Mesoporous silica administration as a new strategy in the management of Warfarin toxicity: An in-vitro and in-vivo study. Advances Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 14(4), 883-891. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Islam, M. O., Mahmood, R. and Elsayed-Ali, H. E. (2025). Ion emission from niobium nanosecond laser plasma. Vacuum, 234, Article 114048. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Jahani, A., Nourbakhsh, M. S., Moradi, A., Mohammadi, M. and Tayebi, L. (2025). Incorporating insulin into alginate-chitosan 3D-printed scaffolds: A comprehensive study on structure, mechanics, and biocompatibility for cartilage tissue engineering. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 9, 1-16, Article 100696. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Koushki, M., Amiri-Dashatan, N., Pourghadamyari, H., Khodabandehloo, H., Bagheri, F., Farahani, M. and Tayebi, L. (2024). An overview of the relationships between the food industry and nanotechnology. Applied Food Biotechnology, 11(2), 1-18, Article e7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Parvinnasab, A., Rostami, S., Namdar, A., Salahinejad, E., Taghvaei, A. H., Abdi, S., Rajabi, S. and Tayebi, L. (2025). Balanced enhancement of antibacterial activity and biocompatibility in chitosan-vancomycin 3D-printed scaffolds through mesoporous bioactive glass addition. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 105, Article 106637. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Pathan, S. M. K., Imran, S. B., Iqbal, M. M. S., Rahman, M. E., Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. R., Hasan, M. R., Dey, N. L. and Hossain, M. S. (2024). Comparative analysis of machine learning models for predicting healthcare traffic: Insights for optimized emergency response. Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 12(2), 54-61. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Rastegar-Pouyani, N., Zafari, J., Nasirpour, A., Vazini, H., Najjar, N., Azarshin, S. Z. and Javani Jouni, F. (2024). Methylene blue-mediated photodynamic therapy in combination with doxorubicin: A novel approach in the treatment of HT-29 colon cancer cells. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 15, 1-8, Article e64. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Siddiky, M. N., Rahman, M. E., Uzzal, M. S. and Kabir, H. M. D. (2025). A comprehensive exploration of 6G wireless communication technologies. Computers, 14(1), 1-57, Article 15. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article | Tusar, S. D., Chowdhury, S. M. A. A., Chowdhury, M. J. U., Pir, R. M., Alam, H. N. A., Rahman, M. R., Siddiky, M. N. A. and Rahman, M. E. (2024). Advancing chronic kidney disease prediction through machine learning and deep learning with feature analysis. Frontiers in Health Informatics, 13(3), 11338-11348. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Article in Press | Azizli, M. J., Lashgari, S., Rezaeeparto, K., Parham, S., Ghadami, A., Tayebi, L., Vafa, E. and Asadizadegan, M. (2025). Polymer synergy: Enhancing PA6/PLA properties with POE-g-MA and bioactive glass for advanced biomedical solutions. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 25 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Leathrum, J. F., Jr., Shen, Y. and Sosonkina, M. (2024). Investigating the use of generative AI in M&S education. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 3142-3153. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Pathan, S. M. K., Imran, S. B. and Shabab Iqbal, M. M. (2024). Environmental sound pollution mapping using supervised deep learning. Paper presented at the 2024 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), Dhaka, Bangladesh. October 21-22, 2024. pp. 299-303. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Sadique, M. S., Rahman, M. M., Farzana, W., Glandon, A., Temtam, A. and Iftekharuddin, K. M. (2024). Local synthesis of healthy brain tissue using an enhanced 3D pix2pix model for medical image inpainting. Paper presented at the Brain Tumor Segmentation, and Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation. MICCAI Challenges, BraTS 2023 and CrossMoDA 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 8, 2024. pp. 312-321. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Conference Paper | Saquib, M. N., Larson, R., Li, J., Kravchenko, S. G. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Reconstruction of internal morphology in molded platelet composite using residual stresses and deep convolutional neural network. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 15 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Pre-Print Article | Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. E., Hossen, M. F. B., Rahman, M. R. and Jaman, M. S. (2025). Optimizing AI language models: A study of ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-4o., 1-22. |
Engineering (Batten) | Electrical/ Computer Engineering | Report | Yang, H., Cetin, M., Shen, Y., Yan, Z. and Wang, J. (2025). Supporting transportation system management and operations using Internet of Things technology: Phase II field tests. (Report. V. T. R. C. (VTRC). |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Darko, J. and Park, H. (2025). Proactive distributed emergency response with heterogeneous tasks allocation. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2025, 1-21, Article 5552310. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Ghavidel, A. and Pazos, P. (2025). Machine learning (ML) techniques to predict breast cancer in imbalanced datasets: A systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 19(1), 270-294. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article | Joiner, K. (2024). Australia's Pentagon wars moment. ITEA Journal of Test and Evaluation, 45(4), 24 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Alla, S., Bheesetty, N., Komaragiri, S. G., Chidipudi, P., Mohanty, J., Chintala, S. K., Thomas, J., Vummadi, J., Volikatla, H. and Kamuni, N. (2024). Integrative machine learning approaches for enhanced classification of genomic sequences: A Next-Generation Sequencing perspective. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Dodda, S., Chintala, S. K., Mallreddy, S. R., Macha, S. C., Vasa, Y., Bonala, S. B., Kamuni, N. and Alla, S. (2024). Reinforcement learning for optimal kicking actions in humanoid robotics: Advancing robotic autonomy and versatility. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Gies, R. J., Unal, R. and Keating, C. B. (2024). Engineering management and industrial engineering industry and educational workforce development strategy. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Keating, C. B., Katina, P. F. and Pyne, J. C. (2024). System of Systems Engineering: A literature review and research frontiers. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference paper | Kucukkaya, G., Ozer, M., Balci, M. and Ugurlu, E. (2024). Data driven trade-off analysis for cybersecurity. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-7. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Conference Paper | Tolk, A. (2024). Hybrid modeling integrating artificial intelligence and modeling & simulation paradigms. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 1271-1280. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Management/ Systems Engineering | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Article | Shrestha, P., Avci, O., Rifai, S., Abla, F., Seek, M., Barth, K. and Halabe, U. (2025). A review of infrared thermography applications for civil infrastructure. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 19(2), 193-231. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Engineering Technology | Conference Paper | Alkunte, S., Fidan, I., Naikwadi, V. and Gudavasov, S. (2024). Tensile and fatigue analysis of functionally graded materials with varying concentrations manufactured using material extrusion. Paper presented at the 35th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF2024), Austin, TX, USA. August 11-14, 2024. pp. 1820-1829. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article | Alshammari, M., He, J. and Wriggers, W. (2025). Flexible fitting of AlphaFold2-predicted models to cryo-EM density maps using elastic network models: A methodical affirmation. Bioinformatics Advances, 5(1), 1-11, Article vbae181. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article | Naderi, A., Liu, S., Fu, J., Xu, T., Zhang, S., Ryu, J. E. and Jiang, X. (2025). Recent development in piezoelectric materials and devices for cryogenic environments. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 386, Article 116317. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article in Press | Kidd, J., Gutierrez, K., Lee, M. J., Rhemer, D., Pazos, P., Kaipa, K., Ringleb, S. and Ayala, O. (2025). Teaching to whom and with whom: The role of context in developing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching engineering and coding via robotics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Article in Press | Simsek, M., Alberts, T. E. and Bilgen, O. (2025). Morphing shape metastructures using the hybrid position feedback control and bistable structural elements. Nonlinear Dynamics, 26 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Bhagatji, J. D., Fernandez, G., Osuniga, T. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Investigation of hot powder bed compaction for enhanced fusion bonding in additive manufacturing of composite component. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 11 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Britcher, C. P., Hull, C., Cox, D. and Schoenenberger, M. (2024). Comprehensive static and dynamic modeling of a magnetic suspension and balance system. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD), Sendai, Japan. 4 pp. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Sadique, M. S., Rahman, M. M., Farzana, W., Glandon, A., Temtam, A. and Iftekharuddin, K. M. (2024). Local synthesis of healthy brain tissue using an enhanced 3D pix2pix model for medical image inpainting. Paper presented at the Brain Tumor Segmentation, and Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation. MICCAI Challenges, BraTS 2023 and CrossMoDA 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 8, 2024. pp. 312-321. |
Engineering (Batten) | Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering | Conference Paper | Saquib, M. N., Larson, R., Li, J., Kravchenko, S. G. and Kravchenko, O. G. (2024). Reconstruction of internal morphology in molded platelet composite using residual stresses and deep convolutional neural network. Paper presented at the 10th Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, San Diego, CA, USA. September 9-12, 2024. 15 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Brickell Medical Sciences Library | Article | Guy, K. M., Pace, A. A., Tsang, D. S. and Volsky, P. G. (2025). Risk analysis of radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: Systematic review and comparative study of 10-year outcomes. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 7(1), 1-12, Article vdae191. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Brickell Medical Sciences Library | Pre-Print Article | Partin, V.-J. C., Hooberman-Pineiro, A. M. and Pace, A. A. (2025). Evaluating online educational resources for Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Insights from Google, Bing, and ChatGPT3.5. medRxiv, 12 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article | Ahuja, K. and Conran, R. M. (2025). Educational case: Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with cancer. Academic Pathology, 12(1), 1-7, Article 100162. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article | Nicholson, G., Richards, N., Lockett, J., Ly, M. B., Nair, R. V., Kim, W.-K., Vinod, K. Y. and Nagre, N. (2025). Cannabinoid-2 receptor activation attenuates sulfur mustard analog 2-chloroethyl-ethyl-sulfide-induced acute lung injury in mice. Pharmaceuticals, 18(2), 1-15, Article 236. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Biomedical/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Little, M., Risi, C. M., Larrinaga, T. M., Summers, M., Nguyen, T., Smith, G. E., Jr., Atherton, J., Gregorio, C. C., Kostyukova, A. S. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). Interaction of cardiac leiomodin with the native cardiac thin filament. PLoS Biology, 23(1), 1-21, Article e3003027. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Emergency Medicine | Article | Lo, B. M., Christensen, M. K., Schaffer, K. E. and Tzavaras, T. J. (2025). ST-elevation in aVR with diffuse ST-segment depression: Need for urgent catheterization? Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine, 9(1), 109-110. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Family/ Community Medicine | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article | Ahuja, K. and Conran, R. M. (2025). Educational case: Disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with cancer. Academic Pathology, 12(1), 1-7, Article 100162. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Article in Press | Blumrick, C. (2025). Severe infections in returning travelers. Medical Clinics of North America. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Pre-Print Article | Smith, W. R., Qayyum, R., Ulbing, A., Guy, M. S., Sop, D. M. and Zhang, Y. M. (2025). Preliminary validity of a daily functional status pain assessment tool. Journal of Sickle Cell Disease, 33 pp., Article yoaf006. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Medicine | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Atwani, R., Saade, G. and Kawakita, T. (2025). Impact of the ARRIVE trial on stillbirth rates in nulliparous individuals. American Journal of Perinatology, 42(3), 401-408. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Butler, M. R., Jacot, T. A., Dutta, S. M., Doncel, G. F. and Cooper, J. B. (2025). Quantification of antiretroviral drug emtricitabine in human plasma by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Omega, 10(5), 4315-4325. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article | Chen, S., Wang, T., Chen, J., Sui, M., Wang, L., Zhao, X., Sun, J. and Lu, Y. (2025). 3D bioprinting technology innovation in female reproductive system. Materials Today Bio, 31, Article 101551. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article in Press | Rocha, C. S., Alexander, K. L., Herrera, C., Weber, M. G., Grishina, I., Hirao, L. A., Kramer, D. J., Arredondo, J., Mende, A., Crakes, K. R., Fenton, A. N., Marco, M. L., Mills, D. A., Kappes, J. C., Smythies, L. E., Ziprin, P., Sankaran-Walters, S., Smith, P. D. and Dandekar, S. (2025). Microbial remodeling of gut tryptophan metabolism and indole-3-lactate production regulate epithelial barrier repair and viral suppression in human and simian immunodeficiency virus infections. Mucosal Immunology, 1-13. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Obstetrics/ Gynecology | Article in Press | Tanamoto, T., Hayasaka, M., Robbins, L. S., Saade, G. and Kawakita, T. (2025). Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on the incidence of no prenatal care. American Journal of Perinatology. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Otolaryngology | Article | Fujieda, S., Pinto, J. M., Jang, D. W., Han, J. K., Mims, J., De Corso, E., Wagenmann, M., Xia, C., Plucinak, T., Corbett, M., Nash, S. and Radwan, A. (2025). Baseline disease characteristics by surgery history among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in the global aroma registry. American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery, 46(2), 1-7, Article 104596. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Otolaryngology | Article | Guy, K. M., Pace, A. A., Tsang, D. S. and Volsky, P. G. (2025). Risk analysis of radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: Systematic review and comparative study of 10-year outcomes. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 7(1), 1-12, Article vdae191. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Pediatrics | Book Review | Carmody, J. B. (2024). [Review of the book Progress notes: One year in the future of medicine, by A. M. Nussbaum]. Journal of Medical Regulation, 110(4), 26-27. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Risi, C. M., Landim-Vieira, M., Chase, P. B., Pinto, J. R. D. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). The structure of native cardiac thin filament carrying troponin T Ile79Asn pathogenic variant reveals the role of TnT1 loop in thin filament regulation. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 614a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Risi, C. M., Pinto, J. R. D., Chase, P. B. and Galkin, V. E. (2025). Troponin I C-terminus structural dynamics in the native cardiac thin filament revealed by cryo-electron microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 614a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Physiological Sciences | Meeting Abstract | Shi, Y., Assibey, M. O., He, H., Landim-Vieira, M., Ma, W., Irving, T. C., Gordon, B. S., Galkin, V. E., Pinto, J. R. D. and Chase, P. B. (2025). In vivo role of the unique N-helix of vertebrate troponin C in cardiac muscle function and regulation. Biophysical Journal, 124(3), 613a. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Psychiatry/ Behavioral Sciences | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Radiation Oncology/ Biophysics | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Surgery | Article | Kenney, L. M. and Hughes, M. (2025). Surgical management of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Cancers, 17(3), 1-17, Article 377. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Urology | Article in Press | Fachko, T. D., Robey, C. L., Cannon, G., Konyk, L., Thomas, S., Jockel, C., Montoya, L. and Fox, J. A. (2025). Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections with sterile, continuously closed drainage systems does not have to be costly. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 1-8. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | EVMS School of Health Professions | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | EVMS School of Health Professions | Pre-Print Article | Partin, V.-J. C., Hooberman-Pineiro, A. M. and Pace, A. A. (2025). Evaluating online educational resources for Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Insights from Google, Bing, and ChatGPT3.5. medRxiv, 12 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dean's Office | Article | Sugimoto, Y. A., McKeon, P. O., Rhea, C. K., Mattacola, C. G. and Ross, S. E. (2025). The investigation of nonlinear variability underlying postural control in the injure-limb in individuals with and without chronic ankle instability. Gait & Posture, 118, 69-74. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dental Hygiene | Article | Bradshaw, B. T., Voelker, M. A., Vest, S. C. and Sikdar, S. (2025). Match accuracy of burned teeth: A pilot study of allied dental professionals. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 32-40. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Dental Hygiene | Article | McKinney, D. C., Sikdar, S. and Naavaal, S. (2025). Improving dental hygiene students' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence toward prenatal oral health through experiential learning: A pilot study. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 8-16. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Exercise Science | Article | Middleton, A., Harden, J. E. and Reynolds, L. J. (2025). The role of physical activity intensity on polychlorinated biphenyl levels in pregnant women. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 33(1), Article wspaj.2024-0085. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Medical Diagnostics/ Translational Sciences | Article in Press | Bjerring, J. S., Khodour, Y., Peterson, E. A., Sachs, P. C. and Bruno, R. D. (2025). Intercellular mitochondrial transfer contributes to microenvironmental redirection of cancer cell fate. FEBS Journal, 1-17. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Laverdure, P., Schwind, D. B. and Mahaffey, L. (2024). Managing change and building team capacity: Advancing our reach in social-emotional and mental health care. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention 17(4), 861-867. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Raghupathy, M. K., Jahangir, S., Khurana, S., Lewis, L. E. S. and Rao, B. K. (2025). 'I did not know we could exercise this small premature baby': Challenges experienced by parents while implementing early intervention for their preterm infants-a qualitative perspective. Child: Care, Health and Development, 51, 1-12, Article e70045. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Suttmiller, A. M. B., Johnson, K. R., Chung, S., Gruskiewicz, V. M., Foreman, N. N., Reyes, M. C. and McCann, R. S. (2025). Comparing the effects of progressive balance and hip strengthening rehabilitation in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 34(2), 67-76. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article | Thrasher, A. B., Walker, S. E. and Cavallario, J. M. (2025). Newly credentialed athletic trainers' onboarding process during the transition to practice. Journal of Athletic Training 60(1), 70-81. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Rehabilitation Sciences | Article in Press | Sundar, S., Bowyer, P., Vas, A., Laverdure, P. and Cox, E. (2025). Interventions and measures of social inclusion for students with extensive support needs in K-12 schools: A scoping review. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 1-18. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Speech-Language Pathology | Article | DeLuca, T., Radville, K. M., Pfeiffer, D. L. and Hogan, T. (2025). Defining developmental language disorder and dyslexia in schools: A mixed-methods analysis. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 68(2), 618-635. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Health Sciences (Ellmer), Speech-Language Pathology | Article | Keck, C., Lankford, A., Pfeiffer, D., Durfee, A. and Guilfoyle, R. (2025). Speech-language pathology and occupational therapy students' perceptions of an interprofessional stroke workshop: A mixed methods analysis. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 9(1), 1-27, Article 7. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Joint School of Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health | Article | Daniel, L. C., Lubas, M. M., Wang, H., Szklo-Coxe, M., Ness, K. K., Williams, A. M., Mulrooney, D. A., Howell, R., Leisenring, W., Yasui, Y., Robison, L. L., Armstrong, G. T., Chow, E. J., Krull, K. R. and Brinkman, T. M. (2025). Frailty and sleep in adult survivors of childhood cancer: A Childhood Cancer Survivor Study report. Psycho-Oncology, 34(2), 1-7, Article e70098. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Joint School of Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Nursing (Ellmer) | Article | Hawkins, J. E., Chiu, P., Mumba, M. N., Gray, S. E. and Hawkins, R. J. (2025). Nurses' perceptions of the role of nursing organizations in promoting engagement with the sustainable development goals: A global study. American Journal of Nursing, 125(2), 22-29. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University | Nursing (Ellmer) | Article | Savard, I., Costanzo, G. S., Henderson, C., Gray, D. C., Rogers, M. and Kilpatrick, K. (2025). Unlocking the potential of primary healthcare nurse practitioners globally: A concept analysis of their added value. Nursing Outlook, 73(2), 1-9, Article 102358. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Glennan Center for Geriatrics/ Gerontology | Article | Sharma, K. D., Godambe, S. A., Chavan, P. P., Parks-Savage, A. and Galicia-Castillo, M. (2025). Increasing serious illness conversations in patients at high risk of one-year mortality using improvement science: A quality improvement study. Healthcare, 13(2), 1-10, Article 199. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Integrative Neuroscience/ Inflammatory Diseases | Pre-Print Article | Smits, E., Reid, F. E., Tamgue, E. N., Alvarado Arriaga, P., Nguyen, C. and Britten, R. A. (2025). Sex dependent changes in risk‐taking predisposition of rats following space radiation exposure. Preprints, 1-12. |
Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, Research Centers | Eastern Virginia Medical School, Sentara Center for Healthcare Simulation/ Immersive Learning | Article in Press | Foley, M., Lilley, L. T., Meyers, L., Armstrong, R., Fore-Arcand, L., McCoy, K., Eitel, C., Clapp, T. R. and Heise, N. (2025). Using virtual reality to assist students at academic risk in human anatomy. Medical Science Educator, 7 pp. |
Research Centers | Bioelectrics | Article | Fahimi, P., Castanedo, L. A. M., Vernier, P. T. and Matta, C. F. (2025). Electrical homeostasis of the inner mitochondrial membrane potential. Physical Biology, 22(2), 1-12, Article 026001. |
Research Centers | Bioelectrics | Article | Solopov, P. A., Colunga Biancatelli, R. M. L., Day, T., Gregory, B., Sharlow, E. R., Lazo, J. S. and Catravas, J. D. (2025). KVX-053, a protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A3 inhibitor, ameliorates SARS-CoV-2 spike protein subunit 1–induced acute lung injury in mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 392(3), 1-11, Article 100022. |
Research Centers | Bioelectronics | Article | Lahcen, A. A. and Slaughter, G. (2025). Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors for anti-HIV drug monitoring: Innovations, challenges, and prospects. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 258, Article 116727. |
Research Centers | Center for Educational Partnerships | Article | Garner, J. K., Kuhn, M., Rocchio, A. M. and Friedenreich, G. (2025). Learning and belonging in a museum-school environmental stewardship partnership. Journal of STEM Outreach, 8(1), 1-13. |
Research Centers | Institute for Coastal Adaption and Resilience | Article | Siu, W. Y., Li, M. and Caplan, A. J. (2025). A comprehensive parcel-level dataset on farmland assessment: Addressing grid-cell data bias estimation. Data, 10(1), 1-12, Article 10. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article | Ge, Y., Handel, A., Giabbanelli, P. J., Lemacks, J., Greer, T., Raynee, P., Bahl, J., Skarlupka, A. L., Dobbin, K. K., Ross, T. M. and Shen, Y. (2025). Exploring bias due to below-limit-of-detection values in influenza vaccine antibody modeling: A case study and instructional guide for the civic study. Vaccine, 49, 1-7, Article 126802. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article | Gore, R., Safaee, M. M., Lynch, C. J. and Ames, C. P. (2025). A spine-specific lexicon for the sentiment analysis of interviews with adult spinal deformity patients correlates with SF-36, SRS-22, and ODI scores: A pilot study of 25 patients. Information, 16(2), 1-17, Article 90. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article in Press | Giabbanelli, P. J., Gandee, T. J., Agrawal, A. and Hosseinichimeh, N. (2025). Benchmarking and assessing transformations between text and causal maps via large language models. Applied Ontology, 1-10. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Article in Press | Reinhold, A. M., Gore, R. J., Ezell, B., Izurieta, C. I. and Shanahan, E. A. (2025). From cyclones to cybersecurity: A call for convergence in risk and crisis communications research. Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 1-20. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Botello, J. G., Frew, L., Padilla, J. J. and Weigle, M. C. (2024). Exploring Large Language Models for analyzing changes in web archive content: A retrieval-augmented generation approach. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2410-2418. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Giabbanelli, P. J. and Beerman, J. T. (2024). Accelerating hybrid agent-based models and fuzzy cognitive maps: How to combine agents who think alike? Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 182-193. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Giabbanelli, P. J., Padilla, J. J. and Agrawal, A. (2024). Broadening access to simulations for end-users via large language models: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA.December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2535-2546. |
Research Centers | VMASC | Conference Paper | Martínez, J., Llinas, B., Botello, J. G., Padilla, J. J. and Frydenlund, E. (2024). Enhancing GPT-3.5's proficiency in NetLogo through few-shot prompting and retrieval-augmented generation. Paper presented at the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 666-677. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Harman, T. E., Barshis, D., Salas, B. H. and Strychar, K. B. (2025). Cellular responses of Astrangia poculata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) and its symbiont to experimental heat stress. Water, 17(3), 1-20, Article 411. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Harrell, T., Basak, S., Sultana, H. and Neelakanta, G. (2025). Zika virus modulates arthropod histone methylation for its survival in mosquito cells. PLoS ONE, 20(2), 1-18, Article e0319290. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Jones, S. F., Arias-Ortiz, A., Baldocchi, D., Eagle, M., Friess, D. A., Gore, C., Noe, G., Nolte, S., Oikawa, P., Paytan, A., Raw, J. L., Roberts, B. J., Rogers, K., Schutte, C., Stagg, C. L., Thorne, K. M., Ward, E. J., Windham-Myers, L. and Yando, E. S. (2024). When and where can coastal wetland restoration increase carbon sequestration as a natural climate solution? Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 2, 1-16, Article e13. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Kahane-Rapport, S. R., Teeple, J., Liao, J. C., Paig-Tran, E. W. M. and Strother, J. A. (2025). Filter feeding in devil rays is highly sensitive to morphology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 292(2039), 1-12, Article 20242037. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Article | Savoca, M. S., Abreo, N. A., Arias, A. H., Baes, L., Baini, M., Bergami, E., Brander, S., Canals, M., Choy, C. A., Corsi, I., De Witte, B., Domit, C., Dudas, S., Duncan, E. M., Fernández, C. E., Fossi, M. C., Garcés-Ordóñez, O., Godley, B. J., González-Paredes, D., . . . Santos, R. G. (2025). Monitoring plastic pollution using bioindicators: A global review and recommendations for marine environments. Environmental Science: Advances, 4(1), 10-32. |
Sciences | Biological Sciences | Pre-Print Article | Stankiewicz, K. H., Valenzuela, J. J., Turkarslan, S., Wu, W.-J., Gomez-Campo, K., Locatelli, N. S., Conn, T. L., Radice, V. Z., Parker, K. E., Alderdice, R., Bay, L. K., Voolstra, C. R., Barshis, D. J., Baums, I. B. and Baliga, N. S. (2025). Heat-responsive dynamic shifts in alternative splicing of the coral Acropora cervicornis. bioRxiv, 31 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article | Butler, M. R., Jacot, T. A., Dutta, S. M., Doncel, G. F. and Cooper, J. B. (2025). Quantification of antiretroviral drug emtricitabine in human plasma by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Omega, 10(5), 4315-4325. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article | Fang, W. Z., Chen, J. Q., Mao, J. D., Zhang, B. F., Lou, L. P. and Lin, Q. (2025). Cadmium translocation combined with metabolomics analysis revealed potential mechanisms of MT@MSN-CS and GSH@MSN-CS in reducing cadmium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 32(5), 2479-2491. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Akinwumi, I. A., Rabie, A. M., Katiyar, K., Ajayi, A., Bello, R. O., Aborode, A. T., Moin, A., Ferdoush, J., Ogunyemi, A., Etinosa, P., Osinuga, A., Obadawo, B. S., Awolola, V. G., Awaji, A. A. A., Umar, H. I., Adesola, R. O., Adio, W. S., Adeoye, B. O., Adeyemo, O. M., . . . Onifade, I. A. (2025). In-silico discovery of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 inhibitors from African medicinal plants: Molecular docking, ADMET, dynamics simulation, and MM-GBSA analyses. The Nucleus, 23 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Lutz, P. B., Coombs, W. R. and Bayse, C. A. (2025). Determination of structural factors contributing to protection of zinc fingers in estrogen receptor α through molecular dynamic simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 9 pp. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Article in Press | Zvonareva, T., Courson, D. S. and Purcell, E. B. (2025). Clostridioides difficile infection study models and prospectives for probing the microbe-host interface. Journal of Bacteriology, 1-17, Article e0040724. |
Sciences | Chemistry/ Biochemistry | Pre-Print Article | Ogar, O. E., Messiah, A. I., Adewuyi, H. A., Waheed, S. A., Oluwatoyin, A. H., Obunadike, C. V., Mohammed, U. A., Shekari, A., Augustine, B., Sebastine, K. L. and Olukayode, J. T. (2025). Anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hyperlipidemic, hematological, hepatoprotective, and anti-oxidant effects of Vernoniaamygdalina on alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Research Square, 19 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Alshammari, M., He, J. and Wriggers, W. (2025). Flexible fitting of AlphaFold2-predicted models to cryo-EM density maps using elastic network models: A methodical affirmation. Bioinformatics Advances, 5(1), 1-11, Article vbae181. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Pateras, J., Lodi, M., Rana, P. and Ghosh, P. (2025). Heterogeneous clustering of multiomics data for breast cancer subgroup classification and detection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 26(4), 1-18, Article 1707. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Wang, Y., Feng, L., Cai, F., Li, L., Wu, R. and Li, J. (2024). TEC-CNN: Toward efficient compressing of convolutional neural nets with low-rank tensor decomposition. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 21(2), 1-23, Article 60. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article | Xu, J., Zhou, L., Zhao, Y., Li, X., Zhu, K., Xu, X., Duan, Q. and Zhang, R. (2025). A two-stage federated learning method for personalization via selective collaboration. Computer Communications, 232, Article 108053. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Farrow, B., Ji, S.-Y. and Jayarathna, S. (2025). A microservices architecture for processing large electroencephalogram studies. International Journal of Computers and Applications. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Guo, F., Guan, R., Li, Y., Liu, Q., Wang, X., Yang, C. and Wang, J. (2025). Foundation models in bioinformatics. National Science Review, 21 pp., Article nwaf028. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Article in Press | Wong, W. K., Li, L., Fei, L., Zhang, B., Toomey, A. and Wen, J. (2025). Confident local structure-aware incomplete multiview spectral clustering. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 1-13. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Book | Mallik, S., Das, H., Qin, H., Bora, K. and Mallick, K. (2025). Landscape of pattern learning applied to public health and social sciences. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Book Chapter | Olariu, S., Aljohani, M. and Mukkamala, R. (2025). Online e-reputation management services. In J. R. Vacca (Ed.), Computer and Information Security Handbook (4th ed., pp. 1509-1520). Morgan Kaufmann. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Alghamdi, T., Vittorini, T., Spreafico, M., Battaglieri, M., Sato, N. and Li, Y. (2024). Unfolding particle detector acceptance in high energy physics with Generative AI. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE 36th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Herndon, VA, USA. October 28-30, 2024. pp. 962-968. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Aljohani, M., Mukkamala, R., Olariu, S., Kalari, S. and Sunkara, M. (2024). SmartReview: A blockchain-based transaction review system for decentralized marketplaces. Paper presented at the 2024 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), Dubai, UAE. November 26-29, 2024. pp. 108-115. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Alla, S., Bheesetty, N., Komaragiri, S. G., Chidipudi, P., Mohanty, J., Chintala, S. K., Thomas, J., Vummadi, J., Volikatla, H. and Kamuni, N. (2024). Integrative machine learning approaches for enhanced classification of genomic sequences: A Next-Generation Sequencing perspective. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Management 2024 International Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. November 6-9, 2024. pp. 1-10. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Annan, R., Qin, H., Yuan, X., Roy, K., Newman, R. and Qingge, L. (2024). Efficient federated learning with multi-teacher knowledge distillation for COVID-19 detection. Paper presented at the 15th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, ACM-BCB 2024, Shenzhen, China. November 22-25, 2024. 6 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Balasubramanian, S., Sai Subramaniam, M., Talasu, S. S., Phanindra Sai, M. P., Krishna, Y. P., Gera, D. and Mukkamala, R. (2024). EXACFS - a CIL method to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. Paper presented at the 15th Indian Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP 2024, Bengaluru, India. December 13-15, 2024. 8 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Botello, J. G., Frew, L., Padilla, J. J. and Weigle, M. C. (2024). Exploring Large Language Models for analyzing changes in web archive content: A retrieval-augmented generation approach. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 2410-2418. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Ebalo, E. and Poursardar, F. (2024). Comparative study of ML techniques for misinformation detection in war reporting. Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), Washington, DC, USA. December 15-18, 2024. pp. 8650-8652. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Conference Paper | Liu, C., Li, L., Wang, S., Xia, Y. and Tao, Q. (2024). Adaptive multi-graph fusion with contrastive learning for bundle recommendation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Intelligent Mining (MLCCIM2024), Shennongjia, Shiyan City, China. May 30-June 3, 2024. pp. 86-94. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Makohon, I., Wu, J., Feng, B. and Li, Y. (2025). Can language models reason about ICD codes to guide the generation of clinical notes? EasyChair Preprints, 1-13. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Mohanty, J., Alla, S., Vaishali, V., Bheesetty, N., Chidipudi, P., Nandigam, S. P. C., Jmukhadze, M., Bheesetty, P. and Gowda, N. L. (2025). Digital twin for smart societies: A catalyst for inclusive and accessible healthcare. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07570, 13 pp. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Siddiky, M. N. A., Rahman, M. E., Hossen, M. F. B., Rahman, M. R. and Jaman, M. S. (2025). Optimizing AI language models: A study of ChatGPT-4 vs. ChatGPT-4o., 1-22. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Zheng, K., Duan, G., Yang, M., Wu, W., Li, Y. and Wang, J. (2025). LRTM: Left-right transition matrices for molecular interaction prediction. bioRxiv, 1-9. |
Sciences | Computer Science | Pre-Print Article | Zheng, K., Wang, S., Xu, Y., Lei, Q., Zhao, Q., Liang, X., Feng, Q., Li, Y., Li, M., Xu, J. and Wang, J. (2025). TopoLa: A universal framework to enhance cell representations for single-cell and spatial omics through topology-encoded latent hyperbolic geometry. arXiv preprint |
Sciences | Computer Science | Report | Prince, L. and Weigle, M. C. (2025). Examining engagement with disinformation accounts on Instagram using web archives. (Report. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | Bradshaw, B. T., Voelker, M. A., Vest, S. C. and Sikdar, S. (2025). Match accuracy of burned teeth: A pilot study of allied dental professionals. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 32-40. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | McKinney, D. C., Sikdar, S. and Naavaal, S. (2025). Improving dental hygiene students' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence toward prenatal oral health through experiential learning: A pilot study. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 99(1), 8-16. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Article | Nguyen, G., Xu, X. and Zhao, Y. X. (2024). Analytic insights into an adapted algorithm for the score-based secretary problem. Journal of Mathematical Study 57(4), 476-485. |
Sciences | Mathematics/ Statistics | Question/ Answer | Adam, J. (2025). Suntan (and other solar trigonometric functions): Solutions for Fermi questions, February 2025. The Physics Teacher, 63(2), A129. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Chen, X., Santos, I. R., Du, J., Xu, B., Tamborski, J. J., He, D., Cukrov, N., Sanders, C. J., Liu, J., Zhu, P., Zhang, Y. and Li, L. (2025). Sandy subterranean estuaries minimize groundwater nitrogen pollution impacts on coastal waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(3), 1-12, Article e2024GL109621. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Gallagher, K. L., Herman, R., Walton, K., Dinniman, M. S. and Lynch, H. J. (2025). Pygoscelis penguins prefer different oceanographic and terrestrial habitats during the austral summer. ECOSPHERE, 16(2), 1-19, Article e70091. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Turner, J. S., Munro, D. R., Fay, A., Stammerjohn, S., Kim, H., Schofield, O. and Dierssen, H. (2025). Seasonal variability of surface ocean carbon uptake and chlorophyll-a concentration in the West Antarctic Peninsula over two decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(4), 1-11, Article e2024GL112446. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article | Wolny, J. L., Tomlinson, M. C., Egerton, T. A., Gibala-Smith, L. A., Law, C. B., Gortz, E., Brooks, E. W., Whereat, E. B. and Mulholland, M. R. (2025). Detection of a late autumn Karenia papilionacea bloom in Virginia, USA, coastal waters. Harmful Algae, 142, 1-13, Article 102805. |
Sciences | Ocean/ Earth Sciences | Article in Press | Craft, N. J. and Bochdansky, A. B. (2025). Organic carbon decay mediated by a mesopelagic microbial community: The relevance of carbon pools and broad biochemical composition. Limnology and Oceanography, 1-16. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., . . . Murray, M. (2025). Design of the ECCE detector for the Electron Ion Collider. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 1073, 1-29, Article 170240. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Bibrzycki, Ł., Hammoud, N., Mathieu, V., Perry, R. J., Akridge, A., Fernández-Ramírez, C., Montaña, G., Pilloni, A., Rodas, A., Shastry, V., Smith, W. A., Winney, D. and Szczepaniak, A. P. (2025). Studying π+π− photoproduction beyond Pomeron exchange. Physical Review D, 111, 1-32, Article 014002. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Boer, D., Flett, C. A., Flore, C., Kikola, D., Lansberg, J.-P., Nefedov, M., Van Hulse, C., Bhattacharya, S., Bor, J., Butenschoen, M., Ceccopieri, F., Chen, L., Cheung, V., D'Alesio, U., Echevarria, M., Hatta, Y., Hyde, C. E., Kishore, R., Kosarzewski, L., . . . Yoshida, S. (2025). Physics case for quarkonium studies at the Electron Ion Collider. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 142, 1-68, Article 104162. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Johnson, R. M., Bernath, P. F., Billinghurst, B. and Zhao, J. B. (2025). Collision-induced absorption spectra of N2 and CH4. Astrophysical Journal, 979(2), 1-6, Article 149. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Khanal, B. D., Balachandran, S., Chetri, S., Barron, M., Mullinix, R., Williams, A., Xu, P., Ingrole, A., Lee, P. J., Ciovati, G. and Dhakal, P. (2025). Role of microstructure on flux expulsion of superconducting radio frequency cavities. Superconductor Science and Technology, 38(1), 1-18, Article 015015. |
Sciences | Physics | Article | Tena-Vidal, J., Ashkenazi, A., Weinstein, L. B., Blunden, P., Dytman, S. and Steinberg, N. (2025). A universal implementation of radiative effects in neutrino event generators. Computer Physics Communications, 310, 1-7, Article 109509. |
Sciences | Physics | Pre-Print Article | Klimenko, V., Carman, D. S., Gothe, R. W., Joo, K., Markov, N., Mokeev, V. I., Niculescu, G., Achenbach, P., Alvarado, J. S., Armstrong, W., Atac, H., Avakian, H., Baashen, L., Baltzell, N. A., Barion, L., Bashkanov, M., Battaglieri, M., Benmokhtar, F., Bianconi, A. and Biselli, A. S. (2025). Inclusive electron scattering in the resonance region off a hydrogen target with CLAS12. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.14996, 1-28. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Ehlke, S., Fitzer, S. and Rigney, K. (2025). Exploring differences in cannabis use and harm perceptions among sexual minority and heterosexual females: A brief report. Cannabis, 8(1), 1-7. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Strowger, M., Cross, A., Braitman, A. L., Lewis, M. A. and Litt, D. M. (2025). Prototype specificity matters when predicting later alcohol-related content posting and alcohol use among adolescent and young adults. Substance Use & Misuse, 60(4), 478-486. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article | Strowger, M., Steers, M. N., Geyer, R. B., Ayala Guzman, R., Ward, R. M. and Braitman, A. L. (2025). Influencer drinking norms: Cross-sectional mediators of alcohol-related social media and college drinking. Substance Use & Misuse, 60(4), 596-603. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Ayala Guzman, R., Strowger, M., Kazlauskaite, K. and Braitman, A. L. (2025). Fear of missing out serially mediated by social media use and alcohol-related content on alcohol outcomes among college students: A cross-sectional examination. Psychological Reports, 1-20. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | DelosReyes, J. M. V. and Padilla, M. A. (2025). Obtaining a Bayesian estimate of coefficient alpha using a posterior normal distribution. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1-24. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Junkin, E., Kazlauskaite, K. and Lau-Barraco, C. (2025). Daily drinking intention-behavior discrepancies are associated with drinking-related consequences. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1-9. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article In Press | McCord, M. A. (2025). Sounds of silence: Using the stereotype content model to understand perceptions of introverts and extraverts at work. Occupational Health Science, 31 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Morgan, C. H., Rodriguez, C. M., Pu, D. F. and Elkins, Z. O. (2025). Approval of parent-child aggression as a mediator of intergenerational child abuse risk: An evaluation of racial differences. Journal of Family Violence, 13 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Still, J. D. (2025). Mobile interface design patterns and attentional maps. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-10. |
Sciences | Psychology | Article in Press | Xu, X., Hayes, R., Jiang, L. and Jimenez, W. P. (2025). Are positive and negative leader humor two different coins? A meta-analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 23 pp. |
Sciences | Psychology | Meeting Abstract | Hamrick, H., Judah, M. and Milam, A. (2024). Contrast avoidance influences the relationship between a neural index of cognitive control and self-reported worry. Psychophysiology, 61, S246-S247. |