At Hampton Roads Naval ROTC, you can pursue a variety of awarded and potential scholarship options.
Scholarship Opportunities
The Four-Year "National" Scholarship is nationally competitive and is usable at any of the 70+ universities which have a Navy ROTC unit. You can get this scholarship for one of three areas: Navy, Marine Corps or Nursing. Note that the HRNROTC Consortium does not offer the nursing option. You can fill out the National scholarship application online at, or you can request an application through your local Navy/Marine Corps Recruiter. Your local Navy Recruiting District (NOT an NROTC unit) will handle the application process for the National scholarship. The deadline for this scholarship varies but is generally December 31st of your senior year in high school. Despite this, the earlier you apply the better - even as early as the summer before your senior year.
Minimum eligibility requirements:
- NAVY: 1200 SAT (540Math / 550 Critical Reading minimums) or a 21 Math and 22 English, summed to a minimum of 47, on the ACT
- MARINE OPTION: 1000 (Math and Critical Reading) on the SAT or 22 composite on the ACT.
Officer Interviews:
To schedule an Officer Interview as part of your NROTC Scholarship Application, please email the HRNROTC Recruiter at
One, two and three-year scholarships are available for college students who have more than 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) but less than 120 semester hours and at least one full year of college remaining. Minimum requirements are a 2.5 cumulative GPA and must be admitted to or in the process of applying to the university affiliated with the NROTC unit. Applicants compete nation-wide against current midshipmen at all NROTC supporting universities. It is recommended to greatly exceed the minimums to be competitive for one of these scholarships. Once completed, the application must be turned into the local Navy ROTC Unit by 31 May each year.
- Side-Load Scholarship Application (online)
One of the programs that many of our incoming freshmen choose is the Non-Scholarship College Program Basic Course, which allows you to "walk-on" to the NROTC program, participate in Naval Science courses and lab, with the ultimate goal of earning a two or three year side-load scholarship and your commission. After at least one semester of full participation in the NROTC program, if your GPA is greater than 3.0 and your military bearing is outstanding, we will send in a package to the Navy requesting an NROTC scholarship. If a scholarship is granted, it will cover exactly the same items as the Four-Year National Scholarship and MSI Scholarship mentioned above.
All scholarship students participate in exciting one-month training opportunities with active Navy and/or Marine Corps units stationed around the world each summer. The goal of College Program midshipmen is to earn a scholarship or be accepted into the College Program Advanced Standing. Both scholarships and Advance Standing are nationally competitive and a requirement to continue in the program beyond junior year. Advance Standing does not pay for college. It does guarantee a commission upon graduation.
NROTC College Program applications for Fall 2022 are due by 4 pm on 18APR. Any incomplete applications will not be considered.
The Naval ROTC Preparatory Program (NPP) Scholarship provides economically and/or academically disadvantaged applicants with a unique opportunity to earn a commission in the United States Navy. This scholarship provides an extra year of academics and military orientation focused on preparing students for NROTC success. Every university runs a different program, but they all have the same end-goal of preparing incoming students for the rigourous academic, physical, and mental challenges of the NROTC program and service as a Naval Officer.